"Hmmm.. It is okay, Kuhu. To be honest, the things you said did affect me a lot. But past is past. Forgetting is important. We are humans and however bad we are, what matters is how we make ourselves better. I am glad that you accept mistakes and I am glad that you apologise. For me that is what matters to me."

"Also, I hid this from you, but remember the Janmashtami day when you fell."


"I was the one who made you fall. I was jealous of how you had a happy life with Abir, while my fairytale was destroyed with Kunal."

"So you try to kill me?", asked Mishti in a startled and offended tone.

"I did not mean that to happen. I was carried away.."

"Listen Kuhu, I forgave you for many things, but this is just so impossible. If I forgive you now, what guarantees that you would not do it to someone else because of how easily you got away with this. This is just so wrong. What if I had actually broken my spine or something? You should actually have been in jail for what you did. This is outright despicable."

"Mishti, but you were the one who said that we must forget right? I am trying to improve myself, please give me a chance."

"Kuhu, there was a time when I was really nice to others, but within that time I realised that me being nice leads me to the ditch often. With being nice, I think you have to be selfish to some extend. That does not selfish enough to not like others being happy and trying to kill them, but selfish enough to fight for your rights and self-respect. I need time for this. I hope you understand."

"I do", surrendered Kuhu while, Mishti left her OJ on the table and walked away.


Mishti was irritated with how her life has been filled with lies. First, it was about her father, then about her fiancé who actually did not do nice things for him as he claimed, then her lover when he lied about his brother, and when he broke the relationship. Now to add to all of that, her sister was jealous and selfish to harm her own sister. The only thing that she seemed to feel that was true was Nannu's affection towards her, but still she somewhere had the feeling she would lose this again. That is a thing with trust. Once broken, it is very hard to mend again. Here it was Mishti's trust in the world and her life. For her the trust was broken multiple times for her to never trust anything ever again. To distract herself, she tried to look for Nannu as found him in the gym, playing ping pong with Abir. Abir was having an intense look at the game, while Nannu was having fun and being free. Mishti tried to escape this situation, but Nannu caught her.

"Oye, where are you going? Come here."

Just then Abir's hit on the ball managed to hit Nannu's face that was to facing the table as he was looking at Mishti and talking to her. 


"Oh, sorry.", Abir apologised with guilt, but also had a little self-satisfaction. He was not rude to become a psycho and ruin it for them, but was not happy seeing her with Nannu. It was better that he channelled this small frustration this way, than fight or hurt someone.

"No problem buddy. What is the score?"


"I guess I have the four right?"

Abir nodded.

'I have to get my head in the game. I have to get serious. Lol, who I am kidding. Me and serious. Maybe you should not be so serious. That would help me.", chuckled Nannu.

Abir smiled, but little did Nannu know that his game is going to get even more serious now. Abir had taken it comparatively lighter without her being in here, but as soon as she came in, somehow all that mattered was winning the game. Abir had no mercy with the way he played. Mishti wondered what happened to the Abir that used to do things for fun. With in two minutes Abir won the game with Nannu still having four points. 

Winning made him somewhat happy, but he was not happy with how he felt so selfish and rude. So Abir walked to Nannu, and gave him a bro-hug.

"Good game bro."

"Oh hello! This was not a good game. At least for me. But it was fun. So that's it? Are you done?"

"Ya, I mean, you two can play, I will go and swim. I kind of wanted to as it was hot today."

"Okay bro, have a good time."

"Thanks man."

Abir gave a plastered smile at Mishti and walked away. Mishti did not know what to think. First it seemed like he was angry, but then he seemed all cool with Nannu. She did understand that Abir might be faking it, but she did not understand why he was cold with Nannu.

Mishti and Nannu continue to play, but more so goof around.

She and Nannu had a bet. Whoever wins, tells the person who loses what to do. She agreed thinking it won't be so bad. Despite how she won all the games before the bet, she had lost this one. The two exited and talked beside the pool.

"I hate you Nannu!"

"But I love you!"

Abir heard it, only to feel as though he might as well stay in water.

The two walked far away from the pool and reached the bar to discuss what the punishment should be. The bar was not very far from the pool though.

"So you have never gotten drunk right?"

"Nannu, I do not like where this is going."

"I dare you to drink vodka"

"Nope, not doing that. You, surely, may be accustomed to it, but I haven't even touched alcohol my whole life."

"But I want to see a drunk Mishti. Imagine how fun that would be."

"You can see many drunk people at the wedding tomorrow, do make me drink. Please."

"Mishti, come on. You told me that you would do anything. Plus, it is just once."

Mishti did not agree, but Nannu wanted to see her drunk so he mixed something in the OJ's they ordered again. 

"Okay. Do not overreact, but you are going to br drunk."


Just then, he got a call from his office, and noticing how Mishti was fine he told her that he would return back. Mishti looked at the pool from her table to see Abir swimming. In their several months of dating, she had never seen him shirtless. Now that she got the opportunity to, she saw him. He looked perfect. The toned back muscles and perfect abs were a different sight truly. Her moth fell open, as she did not seem to realise what she even doing. Abir slowly pushed his hair back from his face, not realising what he was doing to others around him.

Mishti then saw a couple of ladies staring at him. Anger sprang in her head and she walked up to them. 

"You know this is harassment. If seeing a girl creepily is harassment then so is this. Stop looking at him like that."

"Excuse me, ma'am. He does not seem bothered, so why are you?"

"Because he is human, and I care for everyone."

"He is not yours, so if he has a problem let his speak to us."

Mishti was vexed, but someone how she could not think clearly. Her alcohol was getting to her. She did not realise what she was telling or hearing.

Abir noticed her and her weird behaviour with others. He soon understood that she was drunk. He immediately got out of the pool and went to help her out.


Okay guys, so please let me know what you want. Thank you so much for the love. It is so encouraging and nice to see such sweet people here. I promise to have something romantic next chapter but I am sorry that here I could not add much. I also make sure that these two get back together as friends. I had to add the Kuhu thing for my satisfaction as I want her redeemed, so sorry if it there was not enough mishbir.

Banne Se Pehle Khatam Huyi, Apni Bhi Ek Kahini Thiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें