Part 12: Sugar

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We reached home and Kaneki began cooking dinner for me. He wasn't going to eat but he wanted to make me a meal despite him not liking human food. Kaneki put on a rather scary looking mask which I didn't quesiton. I had to admit he looked like a hot bad ass boy with that mask on. He searched the fridge for ingredients while I heated the frying pan. I watched him silently as he back faced me. His every movement was so attractive and the way his white hair ruffled was so cute. A small frown formed on my face. My mind was wandering to what the mean girls had said. I wasn't even paying attention to the cooking.

M-maybe Kaneki didn't love me.
Or he just wanted to use me and throw me away after a while.
Perhaps he's pretending to be nice so I won't tell others that he's a ghoul.
That's why he didn't want a
Because his heart isn't with me.
It was bold of me to assume that I was good enough for him. I'm ugly and nothing compared to those other girls.

"Y/n? Are you listening?" A deep voice snapped me out of my daze.

"Huh?" I was confused as I looked up into Kaneki's eyes. Kaneki looked concerned as he put his hands on my shoulders.

"I asked you to fry the chopped onions. Look, the pan is already sizzling hot." Kaneki smiled as he shook his head teasingly. He then passed me a spatula and a bowl of diced onions. He pinched my nose and chuckled at my foolishness.

I nodded and did as told, trying hard to focus on my job. I could hear Kaneki washing vegetables in the background. We were silent for a long time and I felt uneasy. I wanted to start a conversation but Kaneki was busy trying not to puke while preparing food.

"Y/n could you help me put this spoon in the sink and the cheese back into the fridge." He handed me two items which I nearly dropped.

"Careful." He mouthed, holding my hands which were shaking slightly. I mumbled an apology, facing my head down. What was wrong with me?

"Nono stop! Uhhh, y/n, are you okay?" Kaneki stammered, staring at me weirdly. He quickly ran up to me and snatched the cheese packet from my fingers.

Fuck, I had just put the dirty spoon in the fridge and was about to land the cheese in the sink...

It took me a moment to realise my stupidity. I yelped and quickly put all the items back in place. I stood there, feeling nervous and sick.

"You seem distracted, will you tell me the problem?" Kaneki asked, snaking his arms around my waist. He led me out of the kitchen and pulled his mask down, giving me a light kiss on the forehead. I remained silent. His eyes stared into mine as he tried to figure out what was wrong.

"Ok I don't think we can continue cooking let's just wrap up and order delivery for you later." Kaneki quickly packed up the half ready food into boxes and shoved them into the fridge, secretely glad that we wouldn't have to deal with food. I mean, human food. Meanwhile, I sat down on a chair, feeling emotional.

"Now tell me what's the issue." He cooed and sat down facing me. He began tugging at my sleeve to make me talk. He then started twirling my hair and rubbing my cheeks.

"I'm just feeling unwell. Sorry." I mumbled and felt like a terrible person. Well I am one. I buried my face in my hands and sighed deeply. Kaneki smacked my hands away pulled me into a hug, landing me onto his lap.

"Don't you trust me? I thought couples should believe in each other." Kaneki said in a cute tone, his head lying on my shoulder.


"Okay fine I'll show you my soft and loving side just this once." Kaneki took a deep breath.


"Y/n, you're one of the best things that ever happened to me in my whole entire life. My world lit up when you accepted me for who I am, and it's so great to know that you share the same feelings as me. We love each other. We've been through tough times, but now everything is alright and I promise that I will protect you with my life. You are the reason why I have motivation to live on, and I don't know what I'd do without you. I can't express how much you mean to me. It's wonderful to have you by my side, and I feel happy around you. I want to make you happy too, so please confide in me if you are having difficulties. Treat me like a big teddy bear. You can hug me, cry on me, punch me, whatever. Just remember that you are loved, always, by Ken Kaneki. Honestly, I am helplessly in love with you. I might not express such affection through words usually, but now I've said it all. I mean every single bit of my words." Kaneki said, running his fingers through my hair. He then tilted my chin up and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips.

I could feel tears gathering in my eyes. Before I knew it, my eyes were watering uncontrollably. I began sobbing as my tears drenched Kaneki's shirt.

"Aw, my baby, don't cry. You're so precious and it breaks my heart to see you like that." Kaneki whispered as he wiped the salty droplets off my face, cupping my cheeks. I could see the sadness in his eyes as he comforted me.

"I w...was just scared that you would leave one day." I finally confessed my feelings, my voice breaking.

"I promise you that won't happen. I don't make empty promises." Kaneki said with confidence, trying to make me feel better. He smiled when I finally stopped crying.

"You love me, right?" I asked, wanting to feel secure. My eyes were red and my face felt cold. Kaneki was taken aback by my question.

"Don't be silly, of course I do. I literally just poured my heart out about my feelings towards you. Everything's okay now?" Kaneki tickled me, trying to make me laugh.

I nodded, ashamed at myself for not believe in Kaneki. I will not be fazed by those mean girls or anyone else. I didn't feel like eating so we went to my bedroom. I changed into my pyjamas and collapsed on the comfy sheets, feeling exhausted.

"Wanna cuddle?" Kaneki asked, scooting over. Without waiting for me to reply, he bounced over and enveloped me in a big hug. I felt relaxed as I enjoyed the warmth of his body spreading through me. I could almost fall asleep in his arms. Kaneki started massaging me, squeezing my shoulders and making me feel good.

"I'm such a nice boyfriend." Kaneki whispered into my ear, chuckling.

Wait, did he just call himself my boyfriend?

My heart began thumping faster than ever as I processed his words. My cheeks flushed red as I felt my body getting hotter.

"I thought we're not going official...?" I stuttered, feeling dizzy with joy.

"I'm afraid we have to. I don't want other guys coming after you, my lovely girlfriend."

(updated) love bites x ken kaneki Where stories live. Discover now