TGA • 4

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Tries after tries, the young geisha had eagerly attempted to seduce the Komugi daimyo. Unfortunately, every opportunity ended in failure due to the married man's reluctance in seeking another sexual partner.

Hina didn't understand why Lord Katakuri was so resistant towards her. Every man - married or single - dreamt of the opportunity to be with her.

Instead of creating a sexual relationship with the daimyo, the two had accidentally created a mutual friendship. Lord Katakuri had taken a liking to the geisha's fierce and optimistic personality. She wasn't like any other geisha who's goal was nothing but to flatter their patrons.

While preparing a new kimono for her date tomorrow with the Komugi daimyo, the geisha's bedroom door slid open. Hina's eyes widen when she saw Lord Doflamingo standing at the entrance of her room.

 Hina's eyes widen when she saw Lord Doflamingo standing at the entrance of her room

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"It's been a while, my little one." He slides the door closed and invited himself inside. He sat on a seat cushion and started pouring himself a cup of tea. He examined the uncomfortable kunoichi standing by the kimono rack. "How's the mission coming along?" he asked. "You're taking much longer than usual."

She quickly bowed to apologize for her incompetence. "The task is a little harder than I expected because of the Lord Katakuri's cautiousness. I promise I will finish this soon."

"No. It's alright. In fact, I have another task for you." He brought the cup of tea to his mouth and drank the warm beverage. "Your new task is to kill him."

Hina's eyes widen. Her attachment and respect towards Lord Katakuri had grew too strongly that she was hesitant to even pursue her original mission. And now that she must kill him? No way.

"Master... I don't think I can-"

The daimyo's eyes darken when the kunoichi refused his order. She had always been obedient till now. "What is your duty?"

"To serve you and fulfill your orders."

"Do I need to repeat myself on what you must do?"

Her head remain down. "N-No, sir."


He drank one more sip from the cup before ordering her to stand up. As she rises, the kimono robe she wore accidentally shifted, showing him a good view of her cleavage. Hina notices his sly smirk in response to her exposing chest. She quickly yanked the cloth over to cover herself. Unfortunately, he was aching to see more than just her cleavage.

"Take your clothes off," he ordered. "Now."

The woman gulped hard. Her breathing accelerated from her master's sudden command. However, she knew better from prior experience to not disobey him. She stripped the layers of silk off from her body and was now completely naked. Her nipples immediately harden due to the prolong exposure of the room temperature.

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