
English period was done and I stuffed my notebook and pulled out my math one. "Bels!" That familiar voice called. I turned to see William. I smirked. "Why do I always turn and see you?" I asked. He shrugged. "Because I'm Quicksilver." He joked. I scoffed. "You can barely wake up from sleeping." I said. We laughed. Maybe I'm right. Maybe we're still friends...yeah maybe. He snapped his fingers in remembrance. "You used to invite me over your house and we'd do crazy shit." He said. I sighed. "Surprising I haven't been to your house." I said. Awkward silence was present again. Great, I ruined the mood. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean that." I quickly said. He nodded his head no. "It's ok. It's my fault I should've told you. You would've known Kelly before she came here." He said. I laughed. "I pretty much do after a love triangle between her, Slater and my brother." I said. He chuckled. Our hands suddenly intertwined. We looked at each other in shock. Did that just happen? Our hands quickly parted. "Um...how about we can hang out after school? My house this time." William said. I sighed. "I'm not sure, Will. What if Kelly suspect something is going on?" I said. He scoffed. "She won't ever know because you can go through my window." He said. I thought about it for a minute. I smiled and nodded. "Great, I'll see you at 3!" I told him. "What class we have?" He asked. I smirked. "Math." I said. Surprisingly, we hugged. I hugged back tightly. We parted and joined math period. After school, I came to William's house and waited outside. I pulled out my phone.

Belele💋🤟🏼: I'm here

He opened his window and smiled. "Glad you could make it." He said. I rolled my eyes. "I've been here before." I said. He chuckled. "Kidding. Come in." He said. I wrapped my arm around him and he carried me inside. He closed the window. I smiled. "Ok, what are we gonna do?" I asked. He smirked. "Same old Bella." He said. I sat on his bed. He sat beside me. I took a deep breath. "So much memories are just coming back to me..." I said. William smiled. "I feel the same way." He said. "I could remember we used to ride bicycles to the carnival." I said. His jaw dropped. "Oh yeah! We'd always ride the rollercoasters with everyone and hang at the candy shops." He said. I laughed. "Only we go for cotton candy." I remembered. He smirked. "You used to call me—I cut him off. "COTTON CANDY WILL!" I yelled, sounding like Superman. We laughed. He nodded in agreement. He was obsessed with cotton candy so we named him that whenever he eats cotton candy. I chuckled. "Your favorite is blue raspberry." I said. He smiled. "It's amazing you never forgotten about me." He said. I looked down and sighed. "Yeah." I whispered. He pulled out a math textbook. I rolled my eyes, knowing what this meant. He fake gasped. "I know, where did this come from?" He said. I laughed as he handed me the book and went to get his homework sheet. We began studying for a while.


Later, I couldn't stop looking at him. Why? We were next to each other on the bed as I helped him with math. I looked away and didn't notice him looking back at me. Maybe I should look around his room to keep myself distracted. On the nightstand was a picture frame of two kids who looked 12. His arm was wrapped around her. She smiled and laid her head on his shoulder. My brain clicked in memory. That's us. I grabbed the frame and studied the picture. He looked up from the book and saw. "Do you remember that?" He asked. I jumped a little, hearing his voice. I sighed. "Sadly, no." I said. He sighed. "That picture was taken the day you moved away." He said. It felt like a year ago. Why I can't remember the day I left and things changed? Tears formed in my eyes. "I can't believe I didn't remember. Why? I didn't wanna leave you again and wait another year. You're the only person who understood me and made me feel loved, beautiful and visible. You were the only kid who wanted to play with me at the playground. You're my first everything, William." I cried. He pulled me into a hug. I hugged and clutched his waist. "When I see your face, there's not a thing that I could change cause you're amazing just the way you are. When you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while cause girl, you're amazing just the way you are." He sung quietly in my ear. I remembered he used to sing that whenever I'm feeling self-conscious or insecure. He wiped a tear off my eye. "It's never your fault. Stop blaming yourself and making yourself guilty. You're such an angel and how I could I ever forget those brown eyes?" He said. I giggled. "You always crazily talk about how a Queen I am or how gorgeous I am." I remembered. He smiled. "It's really true. Nobody can be as beautiful as Bella Morris." He said. We parted. We stared into each other's eyes. He caressed my hair. I wrapped my arms around his neck. We kissed passionately. Finally, I know how I felt about William. I really love him...not as a friend. We kissed for a very good minute. We parted and looked at each other in shock. He smiled. "Did we just...kiss?" He asked. I nodded. "Yup. I loved it." I admitted. William slightly chuckled. "Me too. So much." He said. I laughed and shrugged. "Let's kiss again." I said. He chuckled. "Alright." He said. We kissed passionately. We parted and smiled. "There's something I really have to tell you." He said. I nodded in understanding. "Me too." I said. We took a deep breath. "I love you!" We blurted out in unison. I smiled widely. He caressed my cheek. "Ok, since we love each other...does that mean we—I cut him off by kissing his lips. He eyed me in shock. I laughed. "Yeah, it does." I said. He smiled and we hugged each other. That was crazy, but our friendship always been crazy. We parted. I sighed. "We have to keep this from everybody. But not Paola." I told him. He nodded in agreement. "You're right. We should tell them when we're ready." He said. I nodded and rolled out of bed. He did the same. "Looks like we finished math." He said. I wrapped my backpack around me. He smiled. "I had fun." He said. I nodded in agreement. "Me too. I have to get home." I said. He smirked. "Let me help you." He said. I smiled as he carried me through window. I carefully got down and waved. "I'll call you." He told me. I nodded. Mom's car pulled up. I got in and she drove off.

Bella Morris 💓(Saved By the Bell Season 3-5)💓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ