Chapter 2

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She couldn't believe that he had killed himself. It just wasn't possible. Falling off that building was too convenient. Onto that busy road, with all those cars, mangling his body. He had been so beautiful, before. When she remembered the body in the casket, he haf still looked beautiful. So graceful, so clever, so funny. How could he have been taken? He did no wrong to anyone. He ignored those who were mean to him, or turned them in, if they were bad enough. But he tried not to. He was just, and merciful. Wise and patient. She could hardly believe all those things of him, herself. At least, at first she did. He didn't list those off himself, but just watching him... it was unbelievable. She thought he would have to break, at some point. She tested him a bit, even. She would poke and prod, physically and verbally, but he wouldn't break. He never showed any sign of irritation. He just handled her gently, and got her to stop through his calm, smooth voice and soothing words. She regretted it, even though he had always said that he was fine with it.
     As she lay in her bed, unaware of how she got there, she remembered what happened. Just a week ago. A week to spill all those tears. A week to feel more sadness than ever before. More than, she thought, anyone could feel. No one would ever feel as bad as she had. It was funny at first. Such an odd start.
     She had been laying here last week. She was sending messages to him, and he to her, both exchanging fondness. Suddenly, he had sent, "I must leave." She had responded with a question, " You need to get off of the internet soon? " He had sent back, "No, you angel. My time has come. I must leave this world." At 1:15, she got another message. It read, "P.S. James Perchance has died, April 13th, 13:13:13. " She was laughing her head off at this. She was laughing when her mother knocked on her door. "Honey, may I come in?" She said, " Of course, Mom. " She didn't hear the fear in her mother's voice.
     She was wiping the tears from her eyes. She was about to send, "That's funny, but knock it off," to him. Her mother was on a chair at the end of the bed. She suddenly noticed the look in mother's eyes. Fear, disbelief, shock. It almost bled to the rest of her face, but she managed to hold it with a smile that anyone could have seen through. She had only seen her like this once before. "Mom, what happened? Mom, what happened?!" she said, fiercely the second time, and very close to a shout. Her mother looked her in the eyes. She dropped the smile. She put a hand on her daughter's leg. "Honey, something happened to James. He's... dead."

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