Whos behind the door...

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Our protagonist's name is Zoey

I don't know why but I always feel followed. Every day when I get out of school I always here a noise coming from behind... its getting even more stranger when I got these weird notes from locker, my friend Becca says that I might have a secret admirer, "Yeah a creepy one" I thought. And then everyday when I wake up I always find a present on my windowsill, but this time... the present wasn't what I had expected... its usually its just little present like candy or poems but, this time it was filled with pictures of me... So I went to my dad who was a police officer and showed him the notes and the box filled with pictures, he said, " What the- Is someone against you or just pranking you?" I shook my head no and he took this to a detective that he worked with, the detective asked me questions linked to this and when I mentioned the noise behind and what it sounded like, the detective froze and asked my dad to talk to him in private is was scared what was going on?...

Stay tuned for part Two...

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