The House of Apple Street

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Our protagonist is Adam

Today is moving day, yep were are moving from New York to a little town in the country called Stoney Lane, and as you can tell I didn't want to move since I had to leave home and my friends behind, " Mom do we really have to move away" I said " Yes, I don't wanna leave but I got a business deal and its a good one so we may at least try our new town" my mom said, as she was putting the last two boxes in the car, and to be honest me and my mom didn't have much money so she started her own business which paid off somehow. A few days later we moved to our new town and I got some new friends who live in the neighbor hood, Peter our tech wiz, Holly our leader, Kevin the one who is always hungry, and then theirs Holly's cousin Amy who surprisingly way to smart for her own good. with our attributes we decided to start a mystery gang( like scooby doo). Things were good but what I didn't know the I be spooked for life.

Stay tuned for part 2 of the story.

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