Chapter 13: Blows and Kisses

Start from the beginning

“You really want me to go?” He asked, sounding serious. I nodded and pointed to the door again. Trevor started towards the door then turned and faced me when he was at the door.

“You should stop playin’ yourself, shawty.” He mumbled.

“Excuse me?” I questioned. This actually caught me off guard. Trevor leaned against the door and smiled.

“You heard me. You and I both know how you get down…and right now, there’s nothing in the way that’s stopping you from doing it.” He said smoothly. No the fuck he did not! I could feel myself getting irritated and frustrated, because I hated that he was indeed tempting me now.

“Trevor…didn’t I already tell your ass before that I wouldn’t fuck with you on that level since you dating my cousin? How trashy do you think I am? And since when did you even like dick?” I spat out, feeling so annoyed.

“I don’t like dick. I like ass.” Trevor replied shrugging before continuing. “Two, you really expect me to believe that you wouldn’t fuck with me if you had the chance? Now all of a sudden you have morals?” He cooed. I charged at him, collaring him and slamming him against the front door.

“Nigga you have no right questioning my morals you bitch ass nigga. Yvonne has never did anything to hurt me and is the only goddamn family I have in my life who’s down for me, yet you think I don’t have enough respect for my fucking cousin not to do something like fuck with you? You got me all kinds of fucked up!” I yelled in his face. “I don’t even know why Yvonne still puts up with your ass when you clearly don’t have your shit together!” I added. Trevor kept his cool and just stared at me.

“Nigga shut the fuck up.” He finally said, shoving me off him hard, making me fall on the floor. Damn he got weight to him, because I damn sure wasn’t expecting that.

“I don’t know if you know or not, but I ain’t no bitch ass nigga, and I don’t take too kindly to niggas puttin’ they hands on me.” Trevor said, walking over and staring down with a menacing look. I frowned and stood up slowly, watching Trevor closely. Me being angry isn’t even close to how I was feeling. I was fuming and was on 100. I punched him square in the face.

“You not gone punk me in my own house. Like really, bitch?” I said squaring up. Trevor held his nose for a minute staring at me. He then took his shirt off and squared up with me.

“You done fucked up now.” Trevor seethed, swinging at me but I side stepped and punched him in the stomach. He winced in pain only for a second and quickly turned the tables and caught me in a headlock before dropping me on the floor. I wrapped my arms around him, trying to push him off without him getting any hits in, but with his free hand, he was punching me in the face repeatedly. I put my hands up towards my face and got a hold of his hand finally, getting a tight grip on it. All my weight was pushed forward as I flipped over and got the advantage on him.

            We were rolling all around on the floor, just punching and hitting each other. I tried stand up but he kept me down and vise versa. Trevor then climbed on top of me and had me at a halt, as he pinned my arms down to the floor and stared at me angrily.

“I promise you I can end your life here. Just fucking stop!” Trevor yelled into my face. I took in a breath and tried to get him off but he had a death hold on my arms.

“Fuck you!” I shouted. Trevor sighed and the anger in his face went away. He leaned in and kissed me and I couldn’t do anything about it. I couldn’t lie, his lips were soft and felt good against mines and it just calmed me to the point where I wasn’t ready to swing anymore. But I knew I didn’t want this and I knew it wasn’t right. My eyes were still wide open and my brain was telling me not to kiss him back, but my body reacted otherwise as my lips pressed harder against his and I closed my eyes. Trevor then pulled away from the kiss and looked down at me.

“You calm now, shawty?” He asked softly. I rolled my eyes and pushed him off me before standing up.

“Don’t ever do that again.” I said in a whisper looking down at him. I felt so bad for kissing him back because that’s Yvonne’s man but what can I do if he’s provoking me? Trevor stood up and looked at me.

“I guess I’ll go now…just had to make a point.” He said, turning on his feet and walking out the door. I stared at the front door as I stood alone in my apartment now. What the fuck just happened? I started wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, remembering the fact that Trevor just kissed me. Never in the 3 years of him being around has he ever came on to me like that. I shook my thoughts away, smelling my salmon. Shit! I ran to the kitchen and finished up my meal before going to my room and eating it.


            Getting ready for work was a drag since I had bruises from the fight. I had to put concealer around my eye since it was blacked thanks to Trevor’s bitch ass. But I still look good, and with the makeup, you can’t even tell I was in a fight. Trevor really had hands, but I wouldn’t say I lost, since I got some good hits in too. It was like a draw. But enough of that, I check myself out in the mirror one last time before grabbing my dance bag and heading out my apartment. After a day like today, I needed some sex, badly.

I pulled up in the back of the club and got out my car, entering through the back door. There were a few other dancers there and boy did they look good. Never had I really gone home with another dancer since it’s something we just don’t do, but tonight, I’d really be ready to try anything to get my mind off things. I stood at my station and got undressed to change into my first outfit of the night. My mind wondered to what happened with Trevor earlier. No, I didn’t really feel anything with the kiss, it was just a shocker for him to kiss me. It didn’t change my thoughts about him except that he’s more of a bitch than I thought. I wish Yvonne would just let that boy go; and to think she’ll be moving in with him in a couple weeks.

            Once I was out dancing, all my worries and problems during this week had faded away and I was in the zone. I was dancing and grinding on the stage, grabbing a few bills that were thrown up at me. This was definitely the best part of my job. I made my way to the edge of the stage, grinding against the stage. One of the guys right in front of the stage slid a Benjamin into my shorts and gave me a wink. Talk about a good night! I pulled him onto the stage and started dancing on him and grinding against him. His hands held on to my hips and the crowd was throwing up more money for the show. I leaned back a little and kissed the guy, teasing him a little as I began moving his hands off me. He bit his bottom lip and I smirked, starting to direct him off stage so I could properly finish my performance.

Once the night came to an end, I gathered my things in the dressing room and put my dance stuff in my bag. I walked out into the club part and headed towards the bar so that I could get a few drinks before leaving. The guy who I had danced with on stage approached me and I turned and looked at him.

“Well look who made his way over here.” I say, sipping from my liquor. He was what I wanted tonight and he was what I was going to get.

“Hell yeah. Of course. I just wanted to ya know, maybe buy you a drink before I took off but I see you got one already.” He replied, leaning on the bar.

“Hmm, well I’ll still take another drink.” I say a little arrogantly, smirking. He smiles and orders me another round of liquor. The bartenders brings out the glass and soon enough, I downed all that shit. We exchanged names but I already knew I wasn’t going to remember it and sure enough, I talked him into taking me to his place. Who could resist me? But as we walked out the club, I couldn’t help but think about Andre. Why was I thinking about him? It made me feel…bad.

“You alright?” The guy asked. I didn’t say anything for a long while as Andre’s face flashed through my mind.

“I’m…good…I think I need to just head home.” The words just slipped out my mouth and it shocked me. Lord knows how bad I needed to nut, but I just couldn’t. The guy scoffed and I rolled my eyes.

“OK man…” He said sounding annoyed.

“Yep, don’t be a bitch about it.” I said, walking away from him. Why in the fuck did I just give up sex? This is not in my nature! It’s like…wow. I definitely need to talk to Brooke about everything.


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