Chapter 17: Dmitri & Yvonne's Talk

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*Dmitri's Point-of-View*

It has been a few days since the big blowout at the park and I still feel like shunning myself from the world. I haven't spoken to anyone except Brooke and even with her I have been distant. Yvonne hasn't even been back to the apartment and it's hurting me a little to think that she might be ignoring me and cutting me out. But hey, it wouldn't be the first time I have lost family. One by one, my family walked out on me. My mother literally kicked me out the house when she realized I liked dudes. I remember her just tossing my stuff out the house, screaming and yelling at the top of her lungs. She called me so many things, so many derogative terms. I became an outcast in the neighborhood and of course within the family once my mother ran her mouth to everyone.

My mother was no saint and wasn't necessarily a liked member of the family either because of her drug and alcohol abuse, but she still had the power to taint my name. I mean, I guess it wouldn't be hard to give a negative image to me since most people assumed that I'd be like her. Cousins, uncles, and aunts turned their backs on me, referring to me as "The gay son of that strung out druggie," hence why when I was put out, I had nowhere to go. Thankfully, I had Brooke, who managed to convince her uppity parents to let me live with them until I could become stable on my own two feet. But that was a battle of its own...since Brooke's parents didn't necessarily like me, but tolerated me.

As time went on, one of my cousins, Yvonne, reached out to me and began seeking to make me feel like I had some type of family that was still down for me. Her father, my mother's brother, had tried to convince Yvonne that I wasn't worth saving or trying to help, since I'd only turn out like his no good sister. Yvonne's mother didn't make it any better, constantly putting her nose in our family business even once her and my uncle divorced. But Yvonne ignored them all and decided she would not judge me based on anyone's perspective other than her own. She was very open with me and warmed up to me quick. It made me feel really good when this was first playing out. Now, I might be losing her.

Apart from that, Andre had tried to call me and text, but I just ignored it all. At this point, I definitely believe that people aren't worth me giving my all to. I've told Andre on many occasions that I am no good. Relationships aren't my thing and love is just a sweet way of killing yourself. See, I know there are other people out there like me who would prove that we all can't be trusted. As much as I hate to even say it, Trevor isn't too different than I am. He can be manipulative, unfaithful, and sneaky, which are qualities I can possess. It's sickening to acknowledge but it is what it is.

The night was approaching and I decided that I had laid up in the house long enough. I hopped in the shower and started to get ready to head in to work since I was becoming strapped for cash. With the current head space I was in, I hadn't been to the club. It's so crazy how I'm losing money over other people...what happened to my edge? Even now, I'm seeming all depressed because of all these altercations. I shouldn't even give a fuck anymore.

I cut the water off and hopped out the shower, standing naked in the middle of the bathroom as I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked rough and stressed out with some bruises still slightly there from the scuffling at the park. It made me a little angry again thinking that Trevor bruised me yet again. But as fast as the anger came, I shook it away, simply just grabbing the little makeup I had and fixing my face up to look more clean and clear.


My head turned to the open bathroom door as I heard the front door click. I placed my brush down and wrapped a towel around myself before stepping out into the living room where I saw Yvonne.

"Hey Dmitri." She said, setting her bags down by the couch. Her tone was serious and I knew she wanted to talk about everything.

"Yvonne...I'm sorry about everything. I wanted to tell you...but...I just..." I said, staring at her.

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