The maids had already made my food and set it down on the table.

The kitchen was too big that it irritated me a little.

My phone buzzed as I stuffed a spoon full of chicken soup in my mouth.

The caller ID shows cherish.

"hello wasup"

"you at home?"

"yeah? "

"OK I'll be there".

Cherish was the only cousin I had.

She's my father's Elder sister daughter.

When cherish mom had died, my dad brought her home, it took a little effort to get my mother to agree to her stay.

I heard her call out to one of the maids to come serve her.
I rolled my eyes quickly eating my food up.

My phone buzzed again.
This time it was one of the guys who worked for me.
We were planning on buying a ship on the west side of the city.

After talking for a while on the phone I dropped it and walked to my room.
It didn't take long before Cherish arrived.
My mom never liked her.
I really didn't blame my mom.
Cherish dyed blue hair and hideous dressing code would make my aristocrat' mother dislike her.

She dropped her stuffs beside me on my bed and put her hands on her waist.
She's twenty but sometimes she acts thirty and then there are times when she'll act five.

"well what's the problem?" I asked raising a brow at her.

"that lecturer of a man works for the Taylors".
"then how... "
"I've taken care of him, " she said waving her hands in the air.

"can't those little brat just give up, I mean they can't even take care of their own property ".

I chuckled, there was knock on the door, before I could ask the person to come in, my mom walked in, giving Cherish a disgusting look.
Cherish just smiled and snickered when my mom attention was to me.
"son we'll be having dinner with the Watts this evening, did I mention they had a very beautiful daughter, she'll be coming too, so I want you to be at your best, go shopping now, or should I send one of the maids? "

I just shrugged, her face was red with anger, she blinked
" OK then, it is the maid", she turned to Cherish
" if you want to join that dinner miss, then you've got to do something about the whole of you". She closed the door.
Cherish laughed. "do I give your mom the creeps?"

"you know you do ".

My phone buzzed again, this time it was Linda.
She was a guard I had put to look after Megan.
I know very well that the Taylors must have caught sight of her with either me or Cherish, well I wouldn't want her to be hurt.

" she's at the hospital ". This had me sitting up pretty fast.
" what happened to her? ". I felt every beat of my heart, Cherish sent me worried glances.
" nothing happened to her, she went to see her boyfriend ".
I paused
"is that why you called?"
I closed my eyes and cut the call.

"what happened? ".
"Meg is at the hospital to see her boyfriend ".
"is that why that bitch called? "
" yeah ".

Stella POV.

My parents had decided to come back home, they had called me to come back home, I was at my best friend place chilling with her mom, when I received the grand call.
I closed my eyes and asked them to come over, and that I didn't have on ounce of strength to walk down to the house.
Some minutes later they arrived,

"is this where you stay Stella?, for God's sake we rented a very more comfortable house for you and you choose here, well who is this woman ".
I could tell Megan's mom wanted to snap at her or maybe give her a little piece of her mind.
But I see she was doing a very good job holding her tongue.

My dad didn't even bother to step down from his sleek car, with tinted windows.

"I'm staying here, I was tired of being lonely ".
"what do you mean lonely?, we paid the best babysitter "
"that's the whole point woman, I am not a baby, I'm a grown woman, I'm eighteen ".

She thinned her eyes.
"so you let this low life suck all your money. "
"bitch shut the hell up, you abandoned your own daughter with a psycho lady you call a babysitter, do you even want to know what happened to her? " Megan mother shouted atop her voice, from the corner of my eyes I could see the neighbors opposite us peeping through their windows.
Very nosy lads.

" well we're back, it's time to go home ". My mom breathed out heavily. Her eyes showed emotions I couldn't read.
Well I don't care.
"how long will you be staying? ". I asked her.
"one week "
"OK bye". I banged the door closed.
"one week? ". Megan mom asked in disbelief.

I just shrugged walking further into the house.

Megan POV

I stepped onto my room, it was dark, so I turned on my phone touch,.
My phone vibrated, it was a text from Stella.
I opened, it's contents telling me her parents had come back again.

O my gosh, are you OK? 

I texted back, it didn't take long before my phone dinged again.

Of course I am, anyway thanks, hope your staying  safe?

Yes I am. Say hi to my mom

I will, good night Meg

Nighty Stella.

I almost fell as I tugged on my clothing removing them and falling asleep on my bed.

MEGAN Where stories live. Discover now