@baseballfan1: Please be a couple!!! 

@username2: I need more of these two in my life

@giancarlo818: It's about time you come back... Yelich complains a lot..
@christianyelich: Dude.. Really??
@kamrush: 😂😂

@marlinsfan2: G exposing Christian... Again 😂

@hater1: Don't take my man away from me!

@username3: I live for this!!! 

@mikayla_ann: Just date already!!!! 
@username1 and 45 others


"So, what made you decide to come here Kam?" Giancarlo asks as I sit with Christian and him at a beach side bar in Miami. 

"Because I missed you guys."

"Wow you missed me? That's impressive. If I were you I wouldn't miss me at all." Christian bursts out laughing at Giancarlo's comment as do I. 

"You are something else aren't you?" G smiles and nods. I look at Christian. "How the hell do you deal with him everyday?"

"To be honest, I have no idea. I ask myself that everyday." 

"Hey!" G lightly smacks Christian's arm. "I'm not that bad." Christian and I both laugh.

"Yeah you are." Christian replies. 


"Any who, forget about him. One more year left huh?" I laugh.

"Yeah I'm excited but I don't want it to end."

"Why? School sucks." G states.

"That's true, but I don't want to leave all the friends I've made." 

"I guess when you put it that way." I nod. We make small talk and before we know it, the sun starts to set. 

"Well, I suppose I better go before the woman worries too much." We all stand up. "It was good meeting up with you Kam." He pulls me into a hug. "You coming to any games while your here?" G asks.

"Yeah I'm going tomorrow and Friday."

"Cool. Did Yeli here give you tickets?"

"Yes, I did." Christian says before I can.

"Awwww! Yeli is in love!" G says as a slight redness appears on Christian's cheeks as he just glares at him. 

"Boys knock it off. G leave him alone, it was a friendly gesture. I wasn't even planning on going to any games but he offered and I was like sure."

"Mhmm. What ever you two say."

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" Christian asks.

"Yeah. You tryin' to kick me out?"

"Well you said you had to leave a while ago so."

"Fine. Whatever. Bye Kam. Later lover boy." Giancarlo leaves. 

"Want to go watch the sunset on the beach?" Christian asks. 

"Sure." I smile at him. We make our way from the deck of the bar to the sands of Miami beach. We walk a little ways down before stopping. We sit down in the sand and watch the sunset in a comfortable silence. After a while Christian speaks up. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He blurts out. I turn to stare at him, my eyes wide and my mouth ajar at his sudden outburst. "I'm sorry. I don't... Probably not the best way to ask but... You're on my mind consonantly and I don't... G is right. I don't know if it's love but there is something that sparks in me when I see your name pop up in my dm's or your new posts but something is there and I understand if you don't but I feel like I had to let this go just to get it off my chest. I'm sorry." I just continue to stare at him. "Please say something, you're making me nervous." I shake out of my trance.

"Sorry." I pause to gain my thoughts. "Christian that's a very sweet gesture of you but I'm just not ready to be in a relationship right now. A few months before I first met you, I just recently gotten out of a relationship and to this day I'm not entirely over it yet, he meant so much to me and out of the blue he broke it off. Don't get me wrong you're a very sweet guy and you mean a lot to me, it's just I'm not ready yet. I hope that you can understand that." He looks so sad, just like I had just broken his heart. I take my hand and put it on his cheek and turn his face towards mine and look him in the eyes. "Put it this way, I'm not saying no. This just wasn't the right time. Just please give me time. I would love to be with you Christian, I really do but like I said before I'm just not ready yet. I hope you can understand that." I look at him, waiting for him to speak up.

He nods. "I get it. I totally asked at the wrong time and it just kind of came out. I hope this doesn't affect our relationship at all. I don't want to loose you as a friend. I'll wait for you if that is what you want."

I shake my head at him. "Of course not. Christian, don't get upset. Like I said I'm not saying no to being with you, I just need time. Okay?" He nods, reassuringly. I nod back with a smile and I pull him into a hug. "I love you Christian, just know that." He nods into the hug. 

Wait For You | Christian Yelich (ON HOLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang