The Talk

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Kevin's POV
I told the group about Edd and Jakes toxic relationship, soon I told them about the plan we have. "That's awful!" They all said to me. "So that's why you guys are always together." Nat said to me as I blushed a bit. "Is that blush on you face?" He ave said to me as I looked the other way. "Don't tell anyone but me and Edd are in a relationship." I said to them as I looked away from them. "We knew it!" Clare and Nazz yelled. "Wait who are the hoes that Jake cheated? Do we fight them?" Rave, Nazz and Clare said to me as I sighed. "No. They are ok. Edd talked to them about Jake and they are on our side." I said to them. "Would you like me to call them and confirm you guys?" I asked. "Yes!" They all said to me. "First up is Abby, the first girl Edd found." I said to them as I called her. "Hello? Kevin?" She asked. "Hey your on speaker. I told my whole group about Jake and Edd. They want me to confirm that your on our side." I said to her as everyone went silent. "Fuck yeah I'm on your guys side. Fuck Jake, he told me I was 'the only one he loved' or some shit like that. Edd deserves so much better then that cheating ass hole." Abby said to us as she sounded so pissed. "Even if one of you guys hurt my friend you are going to have to deal with me first." She said to us as Rave, Nazz and Clare gasped. "She's a keeper!" They all said. "Ok thank you Abby. See ya." I said to her. "Bye." She said as I went to Alice. "Next is Alice. Edd found her second after Abby." I said to them as I said the same thing to her like I did to Abby. "I can't believe I wasted my time on Jake. I can't wait when Edd breaks up with him. Oh and yes I'm on your guys side. Please don't hurt Edd he's so fragile. All Edd needs right now is real love." Alice said to us. Rave, Nazz and Clare did the same thing like they did to Abby. "Ok bye." I said to her as she hummed and hung up. "Ok last but not least is Rose. Edd found her with Jake in the hallway." I said to them. "Your on speaker to my group. What do you think about Jake?" I said to her. "Fuck Jake! Ese pinche pend- sorry only english." She said as Clare sa8d something to her. "También eres Latina!?" (Your also Latina!?) Clare said to her as Rose spoke. "Si! Pinche Jake solo nos quería para jugar!" (Yes! Fucking Jake any wanted us to play around!) Rose said to Clare. "Ok thanks. Adiós!" (Goodbye!) Clare said as Rose said the same thing. "She's a keeper!" Clare said as we cheered. "You never told us you knew Spanish." We all said to her. "I have secrets~." She said to us as she waved her hands. "Your so silly!" Nazz said to her as she gave her a peck on the cheek. "Anyways at least we all now about Edd and Jake. Will keep silent until they break up. Now let's go to sleep." Nazz said to us as we all found a random place to sleep.

Next day-

Third POV
Kevin decided to go with Edd after he changed into clean clothes. A knock was heard at Edds door as he got up from his bed to the door. "Hello?" Edd replied as he saw Kevin there. "Edd what happened to you!? Your eye!" Kevin yelled. Edd soon realized what Kevin was talking about. "Kevin it's just a small injury, it's ok." Edd said to Kevin as he wanted to cry.

Edds POV
"Just a small injury!? Who the fuck hurt you!?" Kevin yelled at me as I saw someone in the corner of my eye. It was Jake as he was smirking at me, I immediately pushed Kevin out. "I appreciate your concern, but you need to leave now! Bye!" I said to him as Kevin refused. "Hell no! Who hurt you!? Answer me!" Kevin yelled t me as I teared up. "No one! Just leave!" I yelled at him as he looked shocked. "Alright then...I'll leave. Don't come to me when you need help." He said to me as he started to walk away. "K-Kevin!" I said to him. "What!? What do want from me!? Are you just trying to play with me!? Huh!?" He yelled at me. "N-no. I will never do that!" I said to him as he looked down. "What's going on here?" Jake said to us as I stood still. "Fuck off Jake!" Kevin said to him. "I just wanted to see if you weren't hurting Edd." He said to Kevin as he held me. "I-I'm fine!" I said to him as I moved away from him. "What did I say about you and Kevin." Jake whispered im my ear as I teared up. "I think it's best if you leave. I need to talk to Edd." He said to him. "Whatever. Be safe Edd." He said to me as he nodded. "O-ok." I said to him as I nodded. Jake brought me inside my house as he threw me to the floor. "What part of not being near Kevin did you not understand!?" Jake yelled at me as he kicked me in the stomach. "S-stop!" I yelled as I cried. "Don't waste my time you slut. No one will ever love you. Your nothing but a waste of space and time." He said to me as I sobbed. "Stop crying!" He said to me as he kicked me again and again. I couldn't see anything as I passed out.

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