Who's Jake Dumbbell?

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Me: If you know who Jake Dumbbell is then you're already are my favorite person. 😉😊

Edds POV
Once I woke up I immediately started to get dressed. Why? Will I heard their will be a new kid in school today, and I really want to meet them. I finally finished getting ready as I walk out my house door, and locking it. Walking to school was fairly easy compared to other days. 'Oh goodness, I can't wait to meet the new kid!' I thought as I went inside the building. "Edd!" I heard from behind me. "Kevin? Is there something you need?" I asked him. "I wanted to ask if you know who the new kid is." Kevin said to me as I shook my head 'no' in response. As I did that the entrance door flew right open, every single person turned around. I felt my heart burst, right in the entrance was a very attractive male. He walked down the hallway, all the girls were going crazy for him as for the guys, they were eyeballing him. We locked eyes as he made it down the hall. "Hello there~. I'm Jake Dumbbell~. And you~?" He asked me as I turned a dark shade of red. "I-I'm Edd. N-nice to m-meet you J-Jake." I stuttered as he made my heart melt. "What a beautiful name for someone as beautiful as you~." Jake told me. "E-excuse me? I-I'm sorry but I'm not a-a girl." I said to him. "Oh, honey I know that~." Jake said to me as he kissed my hand and left. "See ya later honey~." He said to me as he left while everyone was staring at me. I hid in my beanie as I blushed like crazy. Soon everyone was getting ready for their classes. 'Ahhhhh! He held my hand!' I yelled at myself as a very attractive guy came up to me. "You ok Edd? You look red." Kevin said to me. "Y-yes I'm perfectly fine." I said to him as I smiled widely. I walked to class happy as ever! 'I'm I falling for him? Jake Dumbbell~.' I thought as I blushed at the thought of his name.

With Kevin-

Kevin's POV
'Who does this guy think he is? Was it really that easy to get Edds attention?' I thought as I grew jealous? No...maybe? Still, Jake has no chance with Edd! Hopefully...I hope Edd won't get to caught up with Jake. I went to class as I felt somewhat annoyed. Not even 1 minute passed, and everyone looked over at the teacher to introduce him. "Hello everyone! Please take your seats, we have a new student joining us today. Introduce yourself." The teacher said as she stepped out the way. "Hello everyone~. I'm Jake. Jake Dumbbell~." He said as the teacher spoke. "You may have a seat by Kevin." She said as she pointed to me. 'Fuck.' I thought as I grumbled. "Hello." He said to me as he tried to shake my hand. "Tch, hello. I don't do hand shakes." I said to him as the teacher began the lesson for the day.
One hour later-
Finally I left that fucking class room, I think I was losing brain cells just by being so close to that Jake guy. I spot Edd at his locker, he seems to be blushing while having a smile plastered on his face. 'Oh no...he can't be falling Jake. He can't!' I thought as I closed his locker. "Heyyyy Edd! You want to hang out after school?" I asked him as he looked up at me. "Sure. Why not!" He said to me as he kissed my cheek. "Oh! Hello Edd~. How are you today~?" Jake asked him as Edd blushed madly. "I-I'm doing g-good. H-how are you?" Edd asked him as Jake kissed his hand like earlier. "I'm just fine. Especially since I'm by you~." He told Edd. "Would you like to go out and get an ice cream later~?" Jake asked him. "T-That would b-be l-lovely." Edd said to him. "Perfect~. I'll see you later honey~." Jake said to Edd as he left. "Once Jake left Edd looked so happy. "Oh my goodness! Kevin he asked me to hang out! Ahhh!" He said to me as he hugged me. "But I thought we were going to hang out." I said to me as Edd looked at me. "Oh...I'm sorry Kevin. Maybe some other time." He told me. "But we always hang out after school." I said to him as I looked down. "Kevin it's just for one day. I know you can live at least one day without me." Edd spoke out to me. I sighed in sadness. "Ok." I said to him as he kissed me again. "I'll see you next time. Bye~." He said to me as he left.

After school-

Edds POV
I felt somewhat bad that I won't be hanging out with Kevin, but I have the right to say 'no' to him. "Hello Edd~." Jake said to me as he held my hand "Epp!" I squeaked at the attention he's giving me. "Let's go~." He said to me as we began to walk to the ice cream shop. He hummed a nice tune as I began to sing along with him. "OhhhOhhh~ lalalalala~ ahhh~. And I'm stronger than you~." We both sang along with each other as we got to the shop. "Has anyone ever told you that you have a nice voice?" Jake said to me as this made me blush. "I-I, stop it~!" I said to him as he chuckled a little. "Oh we're here. Let's order." He said to me as he began to order. "Thank you. Keep the change." Jake said to the cashier. 'He's such a gentleman~!' I thought as he held the door for me. "Let's set here in the shade!" I said to him as I sat down at the bench under the tree. "Your eyes are like sky, light and beautiful~." He said to me as I blushed red. "T-thank you." I said to him. "Shall we go?" He asked me as I threw away my trash. "Of course." I say as we held hands again. "Would you like to go to the park?" He asked me. "That sounds nice." I said as we walked there.
Me and Jake were talking about our favorite movie, but in the corner of eye I see...Kevin? And he's with some other girl. I don't know why but this made me somewhat angry. Just as I thought it would be worse, I saw them kiss. I began to tear up as I wiped my eyes. "Are you ok Edd?" Jake asked me. "Yes I'm fine. I'm sorry but I have to go, good bye." I said to him as I walked home.
At Edds home-
Once I got home I completely broke down in tears. 'I knew I had no chance with him! But it hurts so much. Who do I like? Kevin of Jake? I've known Kevin for years, and I've only known Jake for like 8 hours.' I said to myself as I cried more at the thought.  As long as Kevin is happy. I'm happy. Maybe I can give Jake a chance. I wiped my tears even though they just came back out. 'Knock knock.' I heard from the door, as I quickly wiped  away my tears. "Hello are you Eddward Vincent?" A police officer said to me. "Yes that is me. Is there something wrong?" I asked him. "I'm sorry for your loss. Your mother died on the air plane to New York." He told me. "N-no. Please tell me your lying!" I yelled at the officer as tears came down my face. "I'm sorry. Have a good night." He said as he left me there a crying mess. I walked inside my house and went straight to my room. I cried myself to sleep at the thought of my mother. 'I love you mother. Good bye.' I said to myself as I finally fell asleep.

Oof. This was really depressing at the end, it will only get worse. Love ya! Bye!

Word count: 1386

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