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Edds POV
I woke up very early, I looked over to see Kevin still asleep. 'How cute~.' I said to myself as I see that he has his hand around my body. I try my best to turn around to which I managed to do. He then has me locked, he's one of the football players. Which means he's much to strong for me to move him. 'Oh god! I can feel his hot breath by my neck!' I thought as I blushed like crazy. He tightened his grip on me as I try to leave from his very muscular body. "Ahh~." I blushed even more as I let out a small moan. He touched a very sensitive spot by my lower body. 'Oh no...I need to leave!' I thought as I felt something pock my lower half. "H-Hah~." I moaned, I quickly cover my mouth for Kevin won't wake up. "Ugh~." I heard him groan as he moved closer towards me. 'D-did h-he get h-hard!?' I yelled at myself as I couldn't stop blushing. "Mmm~." I moaned into my hand to try and mute the noise. 'I-I can't anymore~!' I said to myself as I rub myself to his hard member. "K-Kevin~." I moaned out softly for him not to wake up. "A-Ahh~." I moaned as I was now slapping myself on him. "Ugh~." He groaned as I stopped. 'W-what I'm I doing!?' I thought as I blushed red like a tomato. He finally loosened his grip, as I took this chance to leave his house. I headed for the door and started to go down the stairs to the front door. I was finally let go and able to go into my home. I feel really filthy after that whole incident. Just don't think about it, he was probably just going to use you like his other 'sex toys' he has around him. Kevin's the biggest player of the school, he always has a side chick by his side. I began to tear up just thinking about that. "Just don't think about it." I said to myself as I walked up the stairs to my room. I really need a shower after what just happened. 'Oh goodness! Why can't I keep my mind off him?' I said to myself as I started the water a got in the shower.
Minutes later-
"Much better~." I said out loud to myself. What to do? I sighed, looks like the only thing I can do for now is to just read a book. I may or may not have toke one of Kevin's hoodies, it was much to big for me but I liked it like that. I pick out one of my favorite books to read to pass the time. I sighed once more as I can't stop thinking about what happened earlier this morning. I giggled a bit and began to read my book.

With Kevin-

Kevin's POV
I wake up to Edd not being beside me, I check the time to see its 11:30am. I had some what of a good dream, and of course it was about Edd. His moans where like music to my ears, I didn't realize that I got hard. I groaned at the pain my dick was in. 'What if I got hard with Edd in my hands?' I blushed at the thought of that happening. At this point I just get up from my bed and head to my bathroom and get dressed for the day. Once I'm ready I head down stairs and head out for the day. 'I wonder if Edds home right now.' I said to myself as I walked over to his house, I knocked on the door as I heard foot steps getting closer. Edd has been the cutest thing I have ever seen, he had on my hoodie, and while reading a book. "Hello Kevin~. What brings you here?" He asked me as I looked at him. "Just wanted to see what you were up to." I said to him as I walk in to his house. "Sooooo...what ya doing?" I asked him as he giggled at me. "Will I was reading my book, but then you showed up to my door." He said to me as he lightly blushed. "When did you take my hoodie~?" I asked him as he blushed dark red. "W-will...umm?" He blushed even more if it's possible. "I-it looked really comfortable...y-you can have it b-back." He said to me as he clenched to it. "You might as will keep it. It looks nice on you~." I said to him as I gave him a wink. "R-really?" He said to me with blush. "Yeah it looks cute~." I said to him as he blushed more. "Stop that!" He said to me as I laughed. "T-thanks." He said to me as he looked down to the left. He looked really cute with my hoodie on like that. "A-anyways, would y-you like breakfast?" Edd said to me as he started to calm down. "That would be nice." I said to him as he lightly smiled and went to the kitchen.

Edds POV
"What is it that you would like to eat?" I asked Kevin from the kitchen. "Ya got bacon and eggs?" He asked me as he sat down at the table. "Yup! It won't take long." I said to him as I start to take out all the food. I began to cook breakfast for Kevin as he waited patiently, soon enough I was done with the food. "Here ya go!" I said to him as I grab a plate for myself. "My apologies, my cooking is not the best." Isais to him as I blushed lightly. "Your joking right? This is so fucking good!" He said to me as he stuffed more of the food in his mouth like a child. "Why thank you." I said to him as I blushed at the compliment he gave me. I soon heard a knock at the door as I got up to see who it was. "Hello Edd~! Thanks for letting me in!" Nat said as he barged right inside my house. "Kevin~! Hello! Thanks for the food!" Nat said as he took a bit of Kevin's food. "Hey my food!" Kevin said as he shoved Nat away from him. I couldn't help but laugh at them. "What brings you here Nat?" I asked him as he sat down. "I just wanted to say if you guys seen Rave." He asked me as he smiled widely. "Nope. Why?" Kevin asked him. "He's kind of mad at me, for flirting with Edd." Nat said sadly. "Then why are you here? Go look for him and apologize!" I said to him as I shoved him out the door. "Woah why so mad?" Kevin said to me. "Don't tell Nat this but, Rave really likes him." I told him as I git a bit mad. "Nat isn't going to be to happy when he hears that Rave hates him." Kevin told me as I calmed down. "Poor Rave." I said more to myself then to Kevin.
Me and Kevin decided to go out for a walk to the coffee shop. That's when we spited Rave looking sad. I went to go set with him. "Rave are alright?" I asked him as he looked some what angry at me, but I can't blame him. "Look it's ok that your mad at me but Nats been looking all over for you." I said to him as I held his hands. "Really? No he won't do that." He said to me as he looked the other way. "Don't till him I told you this but he really likes you." I spoke out to Rave. "No he doesn't, he adores you." Rave said to me in a sad tone. "Believe me when I tell you this, he always tries to get your attention. This time I think he toke it to far." I said to him as I smiled at him. "Hehehe, thanks Edd. Your a great friend." Rave said to me as we hugged and he left with a wave. "Damn Edd. You sure know how to put a smile on someone's face." Kevin said to me as I giggled. "I guess." I said to him with a smile. "Should we order?" I asked Kevin as he smirked at me. "Go right ahead." He said to me as I laughed. Once we ordered our drinks we sat down and talked about random topics. "Fags! Go to hell!" Someone said to us as I quickly looked down. "He-!" Kevin almost shouted. "No, no it's ok. Let's just go." I said to him we left the shop, I felt like crying. "Hey you ok?" Kevin said to me as I nodded. "Stop lying to me Edd." Kevin said to me as he hugged me. I quickly pushed him away from me. "I-I'm fine. I don't want to ruine you reputation." I said to him as I began to walk home. "Edd please." Kevin said to me. "We can talk about it." He said to me as I began to cry. "How would you know? Your not gay like me, you don't know what people say to me." I said to him as I kept on walking looking down, he began to walk with me. "I know, but I'm just trying to help out my friend." He said to me as I stopped and looked at him. "Hehehe." I giggled as tears came down my face, I slowly rapped my hand around him and gave him a hug. "Thank you." I simply said to him. "I'll walk you to your house." Kevin said to me as I nodded and began to walk. Soon we made it. "See ya!" He said to me as he walked to his house. 'He acts as if he were my boyfriend~.' I thought as I blushed like crazy. 'My goodness, I love him~.' I thought as I went to my bedroom and get some sleep.

I hope this satisfied you guys will enough! Love you guys, bye!
Word count: 1715

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