"Carefully Maya, you're going to get me caught it's Miles" He smiled and he didn't answer my question and I'm not sure why he's avoiding it.

"Maybe I should, I'll tell them everything!" I stood my ground and tried to not seem afraid of him

He stepped closer closing the distance between us the smile had left his face and it was now just a horrible, unkind scowl

"You won't be doing anything like that, you're going to keep that mouth of yours shut Hunter, I'm sure I don't need to remind you of last time?" My heart started pounding but I knew if I just agreed with him he would think he had power over me and I would constantly be in fear

I stood up straighter trying to seem taller "Listen here Woods, you cant just threaten me and expect me to crumble" I might of looked tough on the outside but instead I was terrified I hated him with everything inside myself

He forcefully grabbed my wrist making me drop my keys "You know what I'm capable of Hunter don't make me hurt anyone."

Hunter I hated that last name it just made me remember my past, all the terrible things that happened

I felt the pressure on my wrist increasing "You can hurt me but I will never break."

He moved his other hand and stroked my cheek "I could never hurt you Maya." He spoke softer

"but your friends thats a different story" I pushed his hand away, what a liar can't hurt me yeah right and who does he think he is threatening to hurt my friends

"You already have hurt me or did that just skip your mind" I hissed aggressively and he let go of my wrist after realising how tight he was grabbing me

"You won't lay a hand on any of them, Riley and Farkle aren't part of this Jay" he was still staying stood close

"We both know who has the power here" He whispered in my ear sending chills through my body

He was right, he was so much stronger than me and he had so many people on his side that could cause just as much damage as he could

"Please don't hurt them" I was begging him now, but he wasn't the type of person to compromise

He stepped back slightly and relaxed his expression "Don't give me a reason to Hart" he used my current last name thankfully I hated being called Hunter

"Besides tweedledum and tweedledee aren't people who would get in my way, you don't need to worry about them getting hurt" I felt so relieved I don't know what I would do if they were hurt because of my past, but I know him he's definitely got some ulterior motive

"What are you saying?" I pressed for information there was nothing trustworthy about him and I definitely don't take his word of anything

"What do you call him, Huckleberry is it? He's already getting in my way" I felt my hand clench into a fist

"Don't even think about hurting him" I was the one who stepped closer this time, my voice was tough and merciless

"If you want to be close to me all you have to do is ask" he smirked which just angered me more, what a jackass

"You wish" I hissed

He pushed me back and held me against the door "Listen to me Hart and listen good, jokes and petty digs aside don't get in my way and don't tell anyone my secret or you'll have more than just me to worry about"

I winced in pain as I hit the door, I knew not to say anything else he's made his point and I can't argue with him or like he's made obviously clear things would get worse

"Don't make me remind you what happened to dear old dad" I was filled with anger and I shook trying to get out of his grip but he just held onto me tighter

"Don't speak about him. You have no right" I raised my voice and felt tears come into my eyes and he just chuckled to himself

I grabbed his arm that was holding me back and I twisted his arm and kicked the back of his leg with so much force and I let go of his hand and pushed him in the stomach. He stumbled back slightly so I tripped him up and knocked him to the floor

I grabbed his hands and pinned him down on the floor "You always did underestimate me" I said with a smirk, good to know I can still defend myself

"Not bad" he smiled back at me but then he moved his leg over mine and got his hands out of my grip and flipped us so now he was pinning me on the floor "You're strong Maya but I let you win in training"

He let go of me and stood up, he held out his hand me to help me up but I hit his hand away and stood up without his help

"Listen to me, for now it's just a warning, you know what I can do don't go against me or Lucas will pay the price of your mistakes" I knew he meant it I can't get him caught or they'll all hurt Lucas

"Call me sentimental but I've missed you" he said before walking to the back door of our cabin

Before he walked out he blew a kiss at me and winked, I pretended to catch it and then showed my middle finger, what a flirty dirtbag

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