Vigilante Debut

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Izukus POV

I was walking threw a bridge when I heard the sewer grate rattle, 'I was getting bored' I thought.

"A new dis-" he was cut off by a gun pointed at his eye which was his weak point.

"Ahh be quite I'll be right with you" I said still pointing my gun at him while digging through my bag and I was struggling when I decided to pull the trigger but left the bullet hanging right in front of his eye also my gun disappeared after I opened my hand and he was shocked.

I came back with slipping on a dark green hoddy and a red mask that covered my nose and mouth only but had bullet proof one way glass coving my eyes, it almost looked like sunglasses. 

"Who are you skin suit" the slime asked with the bullet still in front of his face.

"Just a Vigilante waiting to make his big debut" I said and made the bullet enter his eye so fast it left wind. "You must have been causing trouble if your running away from All Might" I said. "Quirk suppression bullet it won't kill you only give you a headache bad enough to where you can't move" I said as heard a certain hero coming.

Quick All Might POV

"FEAR NOT BECAUSE I am late apparently" I said looking at the sludge villain on the floor with a note. 'Here is your villain' the note said with 'sinceily the new guy in town' I finished reading the note.

"So a Vigilante huh" I said curious to the new criminal.

Now back to Izuku Later at a bank surrounded by millions of heros

'Huh lets see we have Mt.Lady, Endeavor, Best Jeanis, Edgeshot, Hawks, and Kamui Wood' I thought and counted in my head. I was also thinking how I could make my name known. 

'I heard they have the bank under their control,' "I think I will walk right through the front door" I said and appeared out of no where just past the police tape shocking people that I came out of nowhere. 

They were yelling at me to get back, then an officer was about to say something when, "I think I got this officer" I said walking in while martialized a hand gun with infenint ammo. I then shouted, "LETS HAVE SOME FUN" then started shooting well I actually shot one bullet and made the bullet turn and swerve in the air, injuring all of the robbers on the outside just enough so they couldn't move. Then of course I heard Endeavor coming up behind me but I dropped a flash grenade, "nice try number two" I said as I zipped inside.

Once inside I looked around I saw some hostages, then a guy saw me, "hey who are you shoot him" I let the bullets come, but they all stopped inches from me shocking people.

I laughed, "Yeaaaaaaaaah bullets from any guns don't work on me" I said as I mitralized some brass knuckles and knocked them all out with the ol one two. I then walked over to the hostages but was stopped, "don't move kid" I turned around. But he also shot but I stopped the bullet in the air, "so you the boss" I said and he said what if he is. "Then you saved me from having to find you" I said then made his bullet go through his head freaking everyone out. "Everyone calm down there are police and heros outside so you can go now" I said and they ran out while I checked around to see if anyone else was here then went outside to introduce myself.

I stood guns pointed at me heros ready to fight, 'exactly what I pictured' I thought as I readied myself. I put my fist up in victory "MY NAME ARSINAL" I screamed but I also said, "I'm just doing your job" with that I disappeared into thin air and went home.

The next morning

I woke up and went to make myself breakfast since I lived by myself since I was twelve when my mom got accidently hit by one of Endeavors attacks I hate him to this day. But I went to turn the tv on to see me, "I think this will be fun" I said just thinking about picking up the slack. 

I went to get a shower and after I caught the last couple lines on the news, "wow a bounty already it's only 20,000 but I can get it up there" I said sitting back on the couch.

"I wonder what I will do now" I said thinking.

The Vigilante That Is A Litual Walking ArsinalWhere stories live. Discover now