A M🦃THER Thanksgiving

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Here's the first short! I'm actually thinking about expanding this idea; the character interactions/backstory that you'll hear throughout the story. This is mainly practice for just that anyway.

Warning: Certain things here are vague, such as backstory. It might cause some confusion. My apologies.

Hope you enjoy reading! It's a long one.


"Wait, so, you don't have any plans for Thanksgiving?"
Lloyd repeated over the phone.

"How many times do I have to repeat myself? I don't have any plans for Thanksgiving. And before you say “that's sad”, it ain't new news." Ninten stated. His back was against the wall while he occasionally twirled the phone wire in-between his fingers. He could hear his friend exhale a sigh from the other line and knew he was about to get lectured. Ever since the day they first met, Lloyd was open to him. That included Ana when he met her also. The reason behind Lloyd being open to Ninten though, wasn't simply because of the one event that brought them together in the first place. It was because the more they talked, the more both of them found out they had a lot in common.

Ninten honestly didn't even see Lloyd as a quiet loner hiding in a trashcan because of how much Lloyd talked to him and Ana. If he were real honest, however, he didn't even know the reason Lloyd was a loner back then. He seemed interesting and cool when he didn't lecture him over something he didn't ask for. But then again, Ninten never really asked for anything and was very indirect. Personal conversations were never his forte and his feelings were unknown to pretty much everyone. Only few people knew these things about him. If anyone were to know at least something about this, it would be his close friends. And Lloyd was one of them. It was because of his honesty-

"YOU SUCK!!!!" Lloyd yelled.

Ninten almost jumped because of how close Lloyd was to the phone.

"The hell..?" Ninten said in confusion.

"Sorry, that wasn't for you. Crono died. Anyways, I was actually going to ask why you weren't doing anything for Thanksgiving. I won't judge or anything." Lloyd said honestly.

"Mom's savin' money for Christmas presents next month for Minnie and Mimmie. I tried reasoning with her that I could take 'em both somewhere for Thanksgiving, but she wants me to save up my money. Y'know, college and whatnot. Ever since Dad.."
Ninten didn't want to finish the sentence. Lloyd knew what he was going to say somehow.

"I understand.. Wait a second, have you checked your mailbox recently?"
Lloyd asked.

"The fuck does my mailbox have anything to do with this?"
Ninten asked, undoing a twirl from the phone wire.

"Relax. If I said it, it wouldn't be much of a surprise." Lloyd stated. "You and I both know how much I hate surprises." Ninten said disappointingly.

"Why? You never know, it could be the good kind of surprise."
Lloyd implied.

Ninten could practically hear Lloyd grinning. While knowing how much he hated surprises, a part of Ninten thought that he should go and check the mailbox. Besides, if it wasn't a good kind of surprise, Lloyd wouldn't have suggested it. Would he?

"Alright, Loser. I'll go check. But if it's another one of your damn pranks I swear to god.."
Lloyd laughed on the other line after Ninten finished his sentence.

"Oh trust me, you'll thank me later."
Lloyd said. Ninten rolled his eyes.

"I'll be back in a few seconds."

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