Chapter 1:Don't You wish You Didn't Leave The Window open Last Night?

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You let out a soft yawn as the dazzling ray of sunlight hit your well-rested face, illuminating your skin with a warm light. You delicately lifted your hand up to your eyes as you let the last bit of sleep out of your glistening pools. The only sounds echoing throughout your cozy apartment were the morning birds outside and the chiming of your coffee express.A  relaxed sigh left your lips as you welcomed a new day.

Soon enough, you were resting on your sofa, enjoying a cup of cool coffee in the heat of the rising summer. A new city that you recently moved into, Roseville.

And yet, even when you felt so joyful of finally stepping into adulthood and moving out on your own, you couldn't wash away the feeling of dread, especially when you read the newspaper articles.

Every now and then a murder would take place here. Brutal and savage, but cold and calculated. Newspaper after newspaper you felt paranoia slowly creeping into your mind, embracing you in a freezing touch of helplessness.

-"Maybe I should stop over thinking so much. I'm sure they'll catch him soon. I mean he doesn't just disappear after each killing." You spoke to yourself to reassure your sanity that indeed the monster will be caught soon.

You took in a deep breath as the room suddenly started to feel cold and ominous. Cold shivers washed over you like a sea breeze and in a blink of an eye you were on your toes.

You tried to focus all of your senses to try and comprehend what exactly was happening, slowly crouching away to your kitchen. You tried your best to hide behind the furniture, your frame swallowed by the dark wood as the delicate wind from the kitchen window kissed your barely covered back. You quickly cast a glance to it as you swore it was closed for the night.

Perhaps it was the light breeze that set your paranoia off in the first place? Smiling at your own chaotic ways you shook your head and stepped over to the window, closing it shut.

-"All this stress for one little window. (Y/n) you'll be the death of yourself." You giggled, scolding yourself for the unneeded scare. You strolled back to the living room, ready to finish reading the newspaper. But then you saw something out of the ordinary. Next to the article you spotted a clean small note. Hesitantly, you picked it up as the color from your face was drained once more.

"A new face in Roseville, aren't you just inviting me over by leaving the window so wide open?" 

You suddenly didn't feel so alone anymore. 

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