A Different kind of Thanks

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Erwin woke up late. He quickly got ready and hurried to breakfast. When he got in he saw Levi, Hanji, and Mike laughing and talking. He got food and sat down next to Mike. "Hey, there you are. This is the first time you've been to breakfast in a while. What took you so long?" Mike said curiously. "I've been swamped with work a lot recently. However, I got some help so now I don't need to worry that much," He said and smiled at Levi. Levi smiled back slightly which was very rare for him. "Also, how did you manage to get all of that work done so fast?" Erwin was confused. "When are you going to learn that I'm just better than you," Levi said playfully. They all laughed, but Levi only cared about Erwin's. Levi knew Erwin didn't care about him the way he wanted him to, but he still liked to pretend he did. 

After breakfast, they went to training. Levi was sitting on the sidelines for this round. Erwin was sparing against Mike. As they were fighting, Hanji came over and next to Levi. "So if you were a girl, who would you think is hotter?" Hanji said with a slight grin. "Erwin," Levi said quickly. Hanji looked shooked. "What?!" Hanji almost yelled. Levi just started laughing. "You should see your face. You look stupid." Levi said through even more laughter. Erwin who was distracted by Levi's laughter forgot to block and got knocked on his ass. Mike helped him up and he went to the sidelines. "Look Hanji, we'll talk about it later." With that Levi got up and went to the sparing circle. Erwin sat down a little confused. "Talk about what later?" He asked curiously. Hanji's face went pink. She looked at Erwin the looked back at the sparing circle without saying a word. Still confused, he looked toward the sparing circle. It didn't take long for Levi to knock Mike on his ass. Hanji got up quickly and got to the circle. Mike sat down next to Erwin. "Is it just me or are those two acting weird?" Erwin said suspiciously. "I assure you they're not the only ones," Mike said under his breath but Erwin still heard it. "What is that supposed to mean?" He asked slightly offended. "It's just your recent obsession with Levi is completely out of the blue." Erwin looked at him confused. "I'm not obsessed with Levi," His voice was stern and serious. "Ok, so obsessed isn't the right word for it, but I've seen the way you look at him. There is something new between you two." Mike said without taking his eyes off the circle. Suddenly he tilted his head toward Erwin. "So what happened?" Erwin completely ignored the question. 

When training had finished they ate lunch and when their separate ways. Erwin went to his room and did the paperwork for that day. It was dark out by the time he finished. His first thought was to go to sleep but then he remembered that he had to thank Levi for helping him. He started walking to Levi's room trying to think of what to say. He knocked on the door still thinking. When Levi opened the door his hair still wet from the shower and shitless, everything Erwin had been thinking about completely left his head. Levi invited him inside and he sat down on the couch still unable to think. "Can I help you?" Levi's words brought Erwin back to reality. "No actually I just came to say thank you for your help with the paperwork the other day. Honestly, I'm still confused about how you did it?" Erwin said with a light chuckle. Levi started laughing. "It wasn't that hard. I can read and write very quickly," Levi said with an adorable smile. "Well, still I want to repay you. What can I do?" Erwin smiled back at Levi with an equally adorable smile. "I can think of one thing," Levi said before again kissing Erwin. This kiss was different than the others. It was deeper and more passionate. It lasted longer because none of them want to break it. They knew if they did then it would force them to pretend like they just worked together again. It would force them to go back to denying their feelings. They both just wanted to stay there in that moment. However, they did eventually have break the kiss so they could breathe. Levi smiled and said, "There now we're even." After a while of them just sitting in silence for a minute Erwin got up thanked him again for the help and left. Both of them couldn't believe that just happened.

A/n: Hi guys. I know it took me a while to post. I'm so sorry. I've been really busy but I'm trying to get better about it. I'm going to try to post a couple of times a month from now on. But I need you guys to do something for me. If you notice the month is ending soon and I haven't posted, please message me or post a comment reminding me. I have a lot of stuff going on some I might forget to do it sometimes. Also if I know I won't be able to post one month than I will make an announcement stating that I won't post that month. Thank you for everything. I'm sorry I haven't been posting. I'm trying to do better.   

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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