Flight Back

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You wake up to the sound of banging at your door, you open the door and its Nova, she reminds you that you have to pack and get to the airport before 11:00 so you quickly throw on black pants, that hoodie from last night and your checkered vans. Then you throw everything you owned into your suitcase and ran out the door, down the stairs and out the hotel, you open the trunk of the Uber and put your stuff in, you get in the back and Nova and Claire are already in the Uber so as soon as you get in the uber takes off to the airport by the time you get there it's 10:54. You sit and wait for you plane to be called and after 2 mins the person calls out your flight you all bored the plane and sit down and take off but your still tried so you lay your head on Nova's shoulder and fall asleep, next thing you know you are waking up to Nova shaking you to get up. You get off the plane, "hey is it ok if I go and get some coffee? " You ask Mrs. Porter "well of course you can just meet us outside in 10mins." She says as you run off, you get in line and you hear a voice behind you "so whatcha gonna get, I'm thinking a iced carmel coffee. " You turn around to see that it's stalker, you laugh "good choice. " You giggle replying to his comment, he smiles at you. "Next!" The cashier screamed, you walk up and order "a peppermint mocha Frappuccino and a chocolate croissant plz. " "8.56 and name. " You give her a $10 bill and a (Fake name) and what ever is left add too the gentleman behind me. " You say, She growls at you. You walk away and she calls next "(y/f/n) " "That's me! "you say excitedly, you grab your drink and food and walk over to sophomore and start to talk with him, after he gets his things you tell each other bye and you go outside with the rest of the gang. You finish your croissant before the Uber gets here but your still working on your coffee, the Uber pulls up, Mr. Porter puts everything in the back and gets in the front with the driver, you drive back to town and on your way back you get a call from a random number "h-hello? " You ask hesitating "hello is this y/f/n y/l/n? " A deep male speaking voice over the phone "maybe, who's asking? " You say very strict "this is the sheriff Daniel Rogers at the y/t/n police department. " The male voice lightens up a little bit "well then yes, tis is I but why are you calling me? " You ask worried " When may we speak in person? " You take the phone away from your ear "hey um when we get to your house can you take me to the police department, plz?" You ask Mrs. Porter she answers with a concerned yes, you put the phone back up to your ear and answer "as soon as we arrive at my friends house, I will be on my way. " You say pushing back the tears."Perfect, talk to you then. " He answers, beep, he hangs up and you put down your phone and look at the floor the entire way back. You finally get back to the house, you take your bags inside and go out to the car and you and Mrs. Porter both get in and drive off. After a 8min drive to the police station which seemed like an hour drive, you get out and wave bye to Mrs.Porter, she drives off and you walk up 7 steps that feel like a billion, you open the front door and walk in, there's a lady sitting at the front desk "state your name and why your here. " She huffs "y/f/n y/l/n and to see the sheriff. " You say back, her eyes widened she stands up and leads you to the back room that says Sheriff Rogers but before you go in you look over at the cells and she your mom lying on a bed in a cell you sigh and turn your head towards the door "y/n please don't go in there,listen to me please I'm begging you what's behind that door will ruin you, turn back now!" Your mom yells from the cell,"sir, she's here." The lady says happily as if this was a family reunion, "oh good, thank you Janis." A male voice says, you assume that it's the sheriff behind the door "your welcome sir." The lady says "y/n, stop don't you go through that door! " Your mom yells at you as if she owns you, you peak your head around the corner "you don't own me!" You shout at your mom and walk through the door. He stands up and smiles at you "take a seat darling." He says happily "what is this about, if it's about my mom 1st I don't want to know 2nd she can sit there and pay. " You say almost angry at her hoping she heard you say that "oh her no I don't expect you to take care of her, I wanted to meet in person so I see your reaction. " He keeps smiling at you like you guys have some type of bond with each other, you smile back at him there's a feeling in your stomach that has never been there before, you wonder what it is but you just don't know, he pulls out papers from his desk and sets them in front of you. You look down at the papers and tears fill your eyes and start to drip on the papers, you look up at him, you both stand up and you walk out crying. Your mother is in the cell crying "I tried telling you not to go in there!" Your mom sniffles, you run out the building and across the road and to the library that's across the road, you run to the back of the library where there's a little park area you sit down and cry like you have never cried before.

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