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High School/7:00 am/Wednesday *Your POV*

You get out of your moms car and you grab your bags out of the back because you were going with your friends sleepover after school, you wave bye to your mom and she drives off (you guys have been having problems ever since she got pregnant from a married man. You were the last child but not now, you knew how to take care of a child because you have 2 nieces and a nephew. She won't talk to you so you have been pretty much living with your friends.)You see one of your friends waiting for you at the door and you guys walk in school together and sit down at a table with some of your other friends and start talking about what you all are gonna do over summer break and you look over at the sophomores and you see him the one guy that you wanted to date probably even further than that!

He is a grade a head of you, he was hanging out with some people you know and you thought "no way in hell will he ever lay an eye on me" Then you one of your friends calls your attention back to the conversation you look back to them "What were we talking about?" You ask with a little hesitation in your voice hopping no one noticed that you were looking at a boy. You weren't really known for liking actual guys at your school so if anyone saw you they would make a big deal about it. Your best friend (let's call her Nova yes like a super Nova.) Nova answers your question with, " What are you going to do over summer break." You simply reply in a mellow tone, "Oh yea, I was thinking of getting some friends together and going to the beach and staying there for a month or less!" Your other best friend Claire jumped up out of her seat and shouted " No way, no offence do you even have enough money for you to do that by yourself?!" You slightly giggled and replied with a soft yes, she and the rest of the table was shocked. From Claire shouting, people were asking me what that was about but also asking if they could be one of the people to go with, most of them you told no, but Claire and Nova had the 1st dibs along with Ryan and Andy. Even tho Ryan was being a dick I still forgave him and if he wanted to tag along, he could.

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