Chapter 2

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It's already midday and Carol can't Hold herself back no longer. When She heard there is a little girl, about Sofia's age, sitting outside in the car, she wanted to run there at full speed. She misses Sofia desperately and no one is to blame her.

"Well isn't that some pretty hair?" Carol says, standing at a Safe distance from the car.

The girl looks out to see who is talking, since it's a new voice again. 'How many are here exactly?!' She asks herself in her head and touches her tangled hair in confusion since it can only look all but pretty.

"My name is Carol" she announces with a smile and kneels down, still looking at the breathtakingly beautiful Girl, covert in dirt and blood. What gets her though are the bruises and her heart constricts for the girl.

"My little Girl has just the same hair colour, only way shorter." She says and her eyes glaze over.

"Where is she?" The girl asks curiously, since 'Glen' only mentioned the boy from earlier, 'Carl' she remembers. When Carol only gives a sad smile, the girl says "oh".

There is a stretched silence, which for a change the girl breaks.

"What was her Name?....your daughters?" She asks and pulls her knees up to her chest to lay the side of her head on it. She was getting tired due to being up since the early, dark hours.

"S-Sofia...her name was Sofia." Carols voice cracks and a shaky smile comes on her face. It has been long since she spoke her name.

"What's your Name? I bet it's as pretty as you are." carol asks after wiping her eyes lightly.

"I....I can't remember..." The girl says honestly. The last time someone addressed to her by name, was when her mom was still around. And that was too long ago to even remember. Her father only called her 'Girl' or 'Kid'.

"Well I'm sure one would have a name-" carol says but stops when the girl seams to get defensive. "Doesn't matter. I'm sure we'll find a perfect name for you. But first, why don't you come and I'll show you where you will be staying." carol hurries but remains where She is.

The girl bites her split lip. She doesn't trust these people. But, this woman has something warm about her. Her eyes give a feeling that the Girl never felt before. At least she doesn't remember ever having this warmth in her chest.

Hesitantly she turns and her feet hang out of the car. She reaches behind her without breaking eye contact with carol and grabs her hat, to clutch it to her chest. Next she reaches down to her left and grabs her board that is resting at the foot of the seat. She slides down from the seat and her shoes crunch the grid of the prison ground.

Carol still remains in  her Position and only rises up when The Girl stops a few feet in front of her. They walk inside and everyone stops what they are doing.

The girl inspects everyone with calculating eyes. There is an older girl sitting on the table, feeding a baby with a bottle. Carl is also sitting at the table, his hand frozen in the air above the babys face. Glen and Maggie are a bit further back, in front of one of the cells. The crossbow guy is on the upper level, cleaning his arrows, not minding her. Rick is standing in the middle of the cellblock and that's it. Carol walks further in and turns to her. Every cell in her body screams for her to dash out and run forever but she ignores it.

"So, do you want to be on the ground Floor or uparais?" carol asks her and the girl answers by letting her eyes swift up. Carol smiles and nods her head towards the stairs. As she takes a step, Carl rises from his seat, which the girl notices and takes a step to the side, pressing her right shoulder into the cold wall. Her board is between like a shield and carl sits down again.

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