The Practice Round

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     Addy felt the colt lurch forward, his legs immediately pounding against the ground. His muscles were powerful underneath her, yet he moved with caution and grace. It took her a minute to realize how fast he was going. He was going to burn out soon. Pride kept going. The only thing you could hear was his breath and the pounding of his hooves against the softly tilled dirt.
     Pride easily powered ahead. He wasn't going at full speed and he knew it. Addy felt the wind in her perfectly golden hair. Her eyes were trained ahead.
     Most people admired that about her. She could do anything she wanted with dignity, boldness, and grace. She had everyone's genuine respect. Once she put her mind to something, it would be done. Addy was also one of the best jockeys in the country, tying with another male in the industry, which she had never met.
    Back in reality, pride was moving swiftly and smoothly around the last turn. Addy didn't think a two year old could go any faster but yet he did. He switched into a different gear and picked up his speed, flying over the finish line.
    Addy was smiling hugely. She had never felt this fond of a horse she just met. "He's amazing Ashton! I've never ridden a horse this smooth and fast. Let alone, this big! He's still growing too!!" Addy was rambling. Ashton smiled softly and learned on the fence. "You certainly can pick a horse can't you?" he replied, patting the barely sweating horse.
     Addy walled him back to the barn. All of the horses nickered to him, which he kindly returned a nicker back. Addy only owned one other horse than him. That was a small filly, her great hand sire was Secretariat and her dam was winx. She had potential bur not as nearly as much as Pride. The filly was a stunning paint too. She was one of the very few paint thoroughbreds.
      Addy untacked Pride and put him in his stall. She turned the fan on while she grabbed some feed for him. She poured it into his pocket, which he gladly ate. She put two flakes of hay in his hay net and filled his water bucket. She turned off the fan and put his blankets on him since it was supposed to snow.
     Addy finished up in the barn and headed toward her house. It was a small, two bedroom home with a small paddock and stall in the back for a sick horse. She didn't have one right now, of course.
    Addy hopped in the shower and put a new pair of clothes. She filled herself a glass of water and went to bed. The eventful afternoon and small portion of the night re-ran through her head. She had bought a horse. The horse came home. He was super calm. He ran like a champion. Maybe he really was a champion. She sighed, her head hitting the pillow. She was out

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