Coming Home

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     It was sudden. She saw the colt and she liked him. "I want him!" she exclaimed. Kyle raised an eyebrow, his expression confused. "You're the only person that's even taken a chance to look at him. " he said, his expression still confused. Addy shrugged, her grin spreading across her face. "I like him. He can go home with us. We brought the trailer. I'll write you a check right now " Kyle nodded "Okay awesome!" he said, obviously happy.
      After a few hours of signing papers and driving back home, the two humans and the horde arrived. "Addy" Ashton said abruptly. "yea?" she said. "What are you gonna name him?" She thought a moment. "Wonders Pride. Pride for short" she replied, stepping out of the truck. She walked to the back of the trailer to find a perfectly calm two year old stallion.
      "I ve never met one this calm. I wonder how he does on the track." Ashton loomed at her. "let's find out. Kyle said he was a smooth little guy" Addy looked at Pride. "I wouldn't call him little for a two year old." The colt stood at 16.3 hh and was built slim but muscular. He was absolutely breathtaking. His Bay coat shone brightly.
     Addy led him into the barn, tacking him up. She placed the saddle gently on the calm horses back. She wrapped his legs and slipped his bridle in. She could see why no one had wanted him. He was way too calm for a racing colt
     Pride perked his ears as soon as he saw the track and Addy noticed. She bit the inside of her lip. "You ready?" Ashton asked her, smiling broadly. "yea. I'm going to trot him a lap before  I let him run." Ashton nodded, understanding
     Addy mounted with ease, even though she was standing at 5'0 and was 100 lbs. Pride was a giant compared to her. Pride immediately pulled at the bit. She nudged him forward and he picked up an easy and smooth trot. How could a two year old be this smooth? He was so soft! Addy visibly was smiling as they finished the trotting lap.
      Ashton looked at her, seeing her happiness. "he's nice?" she nodded vigorously. "well then let's get into the gates and see what he does. Addy nodded. The pair stepped into the gates, the "door"closing behind Pride. The dark night was lit up by stars and the only noise was Pride's breath. It made water droplets in the cold air. His ears perked forward. His eyes were trained ahead and he stood completely still. Then, the Gates flew open.

Authors Note:
How do you guys feel about pride? Do you think he's going to turn out? What about Ashton? Maybe he likes Addy? We will have to see what happens it chapter 3!

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