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A man with dark hair and sea green eyes was standing next to a frowning director with an eyepatch. The green eyes man was nervously twiddling his thumbs about as he stood in the meeting room with  all the ding dang Avengers, the saviors of the planet or whatever. The man was staring absent-minded like at the window when the director tapped his shoulder. He then turned bright red for not having paid attention. The director made a gesture and he nodded.

"Hey I am Perseus Jackson but please call me Percy. " the green eyed man said."I am 27 and I used to own a bar before the director here asked me to join. I have power of water. So I basically control it and stuff."

" So Jackson here will be joining you guys and you are all dismissed. Jackson a quick word." Nick Fury said.

Percy nodded and followed him. He entered a room and was quickly surprised by a kiss from a certain eye patch man. He grinned after the quick kiss and walked out. Percy shook his head at the antics of his boyfriend. He walked to see most of the team at the lounge area so he walked there too. The team members introduced themselves to Percy and Tony got curious. As it seemed it is as though Percy wasn't telling the whole truth. Natasha had also picked that up and so off they went together to find his file.

It took them two hours. Two whole fuckin hours to get his file from shield. They were the two best hackers in the world (tho Ned may argue) His file was protected by millions of firewalls and top notch security. The other Avenger's files were not that closely guarded as a certain Perseus Jackson. They read lots of bad shit that happened to him during his adolescent years however it didn't explain why there were so many security measures.

So uh I hoped you like the story and please comment and correct me.
K tata- somelonelyfan

The blue and blackTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon