Knight in Shining Armour

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When Harry awoke the next morning, he didn't want to move and kept his eyes shut for a moment. Family, food and sleep had worked miracles after the marathon, but better than all of that, he felt so content, for the first time in... well, since when? He couldn't remember. He absorbed the details of his surroundings with his other senses. He was too hot and his arm was dead and he was in a tangle of legs and a blanket. But Draco was breathing softly against his chest, still wrapped in the warmth of his dreams, his arm still flung across Harry's chest, and that was all that mattered.

Harry kissed the top of Draco's head, and whispered into his hair 'I'll be back soon', before gently slipping his arm out from beneath Draco, trying not to disturb him, though he was fairly certain Draco muttered a quiet 'K'. Harry eased himself off the sofa. He took a quick shower and pottered in the kitchen. When he returned to the sitting room, he was carrying two mugs of coffee and a plate piled with buttered toast.

'Malfoy,' he gently woke him. 'Malfoy. I've brought you some breakfast.' Harry was back in his leather trousers and a black work shirt.

A sleepy Draco raised his head and smiled at Harry, 'What time is it?'

'Seven-ish. What time do you need to be at work?'

Draco groaned, 'not until nine. That's at least another hour's sleep.' He gratefully accepted the coffee. 'Do you always get up so early?'

'I normally go for a run or a swim before work, but I thought I deserved a rest day or two!' Harry slid down onto the floor next to the sofa so he could lean against it.

'No shit!' Draco's hand went automatically to Harry's hair and he began twisting it between his fingers. It felt so right.

'I gather you're not a morning person then. You realise I'll be a fucking nightmare to live with, what with the early starts, the hours of training that I do, and then disappearing off for days on end with work, often with no notice, and I won't be able to contact you when I'm away.'

'I guess I'll have to cope with it. We'll see. I've never had to think about anyone else before but I get the feeling I might be a bit of a grumpy worrywart.'

'A worrywart!' Harry laughed. 'What the fuck is a "worrywart"?'

Draco flushed, 'it's my mother's expression.'

'Draco, it's not too late to back out of this.'

'You're not having second thoughts, are you?'

'Fuck no! I just want you to know what you're getting into. Being an Auror isn't the easiest, or safest, of jobs. There are certain security measures I need to take, and you will need to get on board with them. For instance, this house is perfect because it's always been hidden, you're a secret sharer in that now and I need to you to keep it this way. I can get a floo set up between here and St Mungo's for ease so that will help.' Harry paused. 'Draco?' He twisted round and took hold of Draco's hand and pushed up his sleeve to just above his watch. 'Draco, I want you to take that off.' He nodded towards the silver band that had once been part of a handcuff.

'Why?' Draco muttered.

'I told you before, I don't own you.'

Draco intertwined his fingers with Harry's, weaving then together. 'Surely it is more applicable now than ever?'

'No, especially now more than ever. You are your own person who I am in a relationship with, but we don't live in some archaic fucking Victorian era, you are not my property.'

'I am yours, though. In here,' he stabbed at his heart violently. 'And is it so different to you wearing my mother's ring? Hermione was right, I've foisted that on you, twice now...'

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