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I feel 2 hands push my back making me face plant.
"God!"I yell holding my face because of my now bleeding nose.

I hear laughter.BRETT!

I get up and charge towards him.pushing him into the wall.he grabs me making both of us to fall onto the floor.

He punches me in the stomach making me Lie on back holding my wound.
He stands up and laughs at me making me kick him in the shin causing him to fall.

I climbed onto his torso and punches him in the face over and over until he catches my fish catching me off guard.

He elbows me in the chest and switches postings me making him sit on my stomach.he growls loudly making me cover my eyes.

Somebody yanks him off me making it easier for me to breath.
I open my eyes slowly and see Scott holding Brett against the wall to stop him from tearing me apart.
Stiles holds my cheeck to see my bloodshot eye from the punch.

We get up and walk over to Scott and Brett.
"You will NOT ever fight any of my pack ever again!"Scott yells making both me and Brett confused.

"He said he wasn't in your pack!"Brett growls back.all eyes were on me.

"You didn't think you were in my pack? "Scott asks saddly.
I nod ashamed.
Scott drops Brett and walks over to me.

I look up at him as he hugs me.
"I thought you were in my pack."he says into my shoulder.

"He can join tho right-you wanna join the pack right?"stiles says excited.

I nod happily.

Scott decides we will have a pack meeting.

-----at the meeting-----

I was told to sit in a chair in the middle of the room while the others sat in front of me.

"Your all probably wondering what is going on and we are-"Scott starts

"We have to see if y/n will join the pack.but we need to hold a vote " stiles cuts him off.
I punch his arm playfully.

He pulls me into a side hug as Scott explains how the vote will be anomous.we write yes or no on a peace of paper.hand it to stiles and if the majority says yes I'm in.

I'm excited.

"Alright we all know the rules let's begin."Scott says handing everyone a piece of paper.

After everyone gave in there votes stiles read them out.

"Lydia-yes, me-yes yes yes yes-"
Scott cut him off."stiles...2 yes's not a billion " I laughed lightly at his comment.
"Sorry.lydia-yes, me-yes, theo-yes, Scott-yes, Mason-yes,  Corey-yes, Liam-yes, malia-yes, annnnnnd.....kira-yes,"he says.i smile at everyone as there name is called out.

"Yeah I'm in a pack."I sing and dance to myself.
Stiles walks over to me guilty making my smile drop.

"There is 1 more thing " God!
"What is it.will I die?"I ask looking at his beautiful brown eyes.

Scott walks over to me and glows his eyes.i suck in a breath and somehow my eyes glow back?.

Scott smiles and hugs me whispering in my ear " Welcome to the pack y/n"
I jump up and run around excited.after everyone leaves me,Scott and stiles decide to watch a movie.

"What do you wanna watch?"Scott asks looking at the very familiar box of dvds.
"I think y/n should decide " stiles answers.
I smile and blindly pick a dvd.
"You won't believe wars"i say bored.

"There is only one way I'm going to watch star wars.AGAIN"Scott says with a smirk.
"If stiles orders pizza " I smile as stiles takes out his wallet.
"I'm down.nice one scotty Boiiiii." playfully punch his arm.

After the pizza arrives we make it halfway through the movie before the tv cuts of.

"WHAT!NO SAY'I AM YOUR FATHER!'"Stiles screams at the tv.

"Why did it cut off?"Scott asks walking over to the tv.

"I don't usually works " I walk to the kitchen to see the large pile of letters I've got in the mail.
I look through the pile only to see..."bills!FUCKING bills!"I yell to myself annoyed.

Scott and stiles run in."Are you OK? We heard yelling " stiles asks concerned.i nod and hand them the bills.

"Oh no-your parents will have to pay-"I cut Scott off.
"What parents.they abandoned me.remember?"Scott says his apologies and they go home.i make my way to my room because some of my stuff is still hear.and I didn't want to go to stiles house.

My bedroom door was open.strange.
I swear I locked it.
I hold the handel but it brakes off.
"Hello?"I ask with a shakey voice.

After a few seconds of nothing I hear a gust of wind come from my room.
I walk in and see my window open.blowing my curtains a little.

I look outside to see the peaceful night sky.i close my window and walk over to my bed but I see something unusual.foot prints.big dirty boots.

I soon realise my feet are to small and nobody else has been in the house.

"Hello?is anyone there?"is ask instantly regretting it.i hear footsteps come from the stairs towards my room slowly.

I hide in my wardrobe and back into my cloths.(like in narnia but not as cool)
The figure walks into my room holding a small handgun.he has black jeans,black shirt,black ski mask,even black gloves.

Then the front door opens making me anxious.
"Hey y/n sorry it's random but I lost my phone."I hear stiles say.the figure turns out the door and makes three way down the stairs.

I push open the door and run after them.
I make it to the living room to see the guy pointing the gun at stiles.who had in earphones and was dancing with his back faced to us.

I run and go to jump on the guys back but he turns around quickly and shoves me to the ground.

He keeps his hand on my chest and aims the gun at holding back tears and begging for my life.
"Please...don't. .don't shoot anyone...please " as I'm crying I see stiles turn around and uses a frying pan from the kitchen to smack the guy over the head knocking him out.

"Oh my...are you ok?"stiles says looking at the guy them me.
I nod and hugged him while crying.

"I'll call Scott and my ok?"He says dialing Scott.
"Yeah buddy...somebody broke into y/n house...yeah he's fine...OK...see you"then he hung up.

"Scott will be here soon-what do we do with...him?"stiles says to the man on the floor.

Strawberry And Dish Soap...teen wolf (Stiles Stilinski xMALE!reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum