Gagurashi Mountain...

Start from the beginning

Ken: " a back up you say?"

Ban: " an additional force."

He shifted his look towards the blunette boy who was clenching his fist tightly on his side.

Ban: " though Kazuki, since you had received a quite big damage during the last fight. I still insiste that you would consider going back."

Kazuki, who seemed pale and out of breath, clicked his tongue at Ban's remark.

Kazuki: " I've decided to join this group to fight. Don't look down on me, such wound won't stop me from fighting and doing what I have to do."

Ban sighed as he knew there was no way to convince the blunette boy the other way. He turned towards the other two groups and narrowed his eyes at them.

Ban: " be careful."

A collective nod came out as an answer before that they all turned and left.

Ryan: " you said we will be waiting for back up, but you didn't mention who they are?"

Ban: " just wait and you will see."

Jin approached him with a concerned look.

Jin: " there is something that bothers me more..."

His red eyes flashed with a purple light for a second as he shifted his look towards the blue head.

Jin: " ... Your choice of members, it kinda worries me, Ban-kun..."

Ban: " if we can't overcome the issues that we have within our members then we won't be able to get through the big issue here."

He said before fixing his look on the group that suddenly showed up withing a pink ball of light.

" Sorry for being late deyo~."

A very familiar voice spoke out as the owner stepped out from the light ball, followed by a certain group with multicolored armors and a two familiar man and woman.

Elie: " well, I can understand why you would ask for Dad and Mom's help, but why them?"

She pointed at the group of people who started doing different poses and the old man who kept shifting his eyes between the females of the group.

Ban: " we need each and every possible help we can get..."

He said before looking down in hesitation and Jin immediately knew what was going on.

Jin: " you don't think that Apollo Kaiser will be targeting your group, right?"

Ban: " I have Apollo's soul, so it's the natural thing for him to go after me."

Elie bit her lip as she started to get afraid. After what Otacross told them in Akihabara, she couldn't help but being worried a lot about it. She snapped when she felt her brother placing both his hands on her shoulders.

Ban: " are you alright? You're shaking?"

The woman shook her head and smiled sweetly.

Elie: " I'm fine, Onii-chan."

She said before heading towards her parents. Ban looked down at that.

Ban: " I wish I could leave her behind, but we need her to be close so that she can help with the God Mode. I'm sorry Jin... I know I'm not only putting her in danger, but your child too..."

Jin shook his head before walking next to his friend.

Jin: " I know that you have to do that, or else our child won't have a place to grow up in."

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