Right Where You Belong

Start from the beginning

You didn't want to drive to Alex's place so you called an Uber. The Uber took you to Alex's place and you hoped that Jabez was far gone by now.

You knocked on the apartment door and it immediately opened.

You got attacked by three pairs of arms. You knew exactly who they were and hugged them all back.

"Y/N we missed you!!" Sam said jumping around and holding you so tightly.

"Y/N!! We're not letting you leave us ever again! We're sorry for everything that's been going on. We love you!" Devyn said.

You smiled and a few tears slid down your face.

"I've missed you guys! These past few months have been hard without you guys." You say wiping your tears.

"Awww. Don't cry bestie." Alex says. "Come on we ordered your favorite Chinese food and we watching a bunch of Disney movies on Disneyplus."

You giggled at Alex and nodded.

"Thanks guys! This means a lot." You smiled at them.

"Come on, let's sit on the couch." Devyn said grabbing your arm.

You guys decided to watch the good dinosaur.

You guys ate your Chinese food and cuddled into each other as you guys eventually started laughing at something funny in the movie. You huddled into the cozy blankets.

You were ⅔ into the movie when you hear the door open and close. You immediately sat up looking at the door. Hoping it wasn't who you thought it was.

Unfortunately it was him.

You saw him and quickly hid beside sam who was on your right. Fortunately he didn't see you.

You looked to your right at Alex, "What the fuck!" You mouthed.

He opened his mouth and closed it. He silently stuttered trying to say something. "I'm sorry. He wasn't supposed to be here tonight! He was gonna sleep over at someone's house!" He whispered over to you.

You rolled your eyes at the situation you were in. You didn't blame anyone though, it wasn't their fault.

You decided to sit straight and not hide. You weren't gonna waste your time with your friends over him.

Jabez put his keys on the counter and still hasn't noticed you.

"Hey guys." Jabez said all gloomy getting something from the fridge, giving us his back. Not noticing you yet.

"What's wrong?" Alex said concerned.

He sighed and sniffled as if he'd been crying.

You were concerned for a split second but noticed it wasn't your place to be concerned over him, not anymore. He was never concerned over you once he ended things.

You stood up off of the couch.

"I think imma go now." You said to Alex, Sam and Devyn.

You saw from the corner of your eye that Jabez turned right away, towards your direction once he heard your voice.

"Y-y/n?" Jabez stuttered, surprised to see you here.

You made eye contact with him, but didn't answer him.

"I have to order my Uber now. Bye guys. Sorry to end this movie short. Maybe we can continue this at my place, knowing that we won't be interrupted there." You subtly threw shade.

"Text us when you get home safe." Alex said understandably smiling at you.

You nodded and was about to leave, until you got interrupted.

Jabez Villalobos ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now