We drove all the way out of the city to this fair. We all split up as soon as we got into the fair. It was stuff everywhere.Ferris wheel, carnival rides, and plenty of little games.

Today was going to be a good day.


Mallory 💜

We had been at the fair almost all day and the heat was killing me

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We had been at the fair almost all day and the heat was killing me. I had on a light outfit but good grief I was dying, and it was just now cooling off at 8 o'clock at night.

"You want to go get on the Ferris wheel now?" Lucas said looking over at me, I had tried to get used to all of this but it this boy looked so damn fine.

We waited in line for probably about half an hour and maybe another 15 minutes til' we got to the top of the wheel.

I had the perfect look of the whole fair the lights were just now coming on and everything looked perfect. Then Lucas' arm went around me and I got these stupid butterflies in my stomach again. Then he looked over at me, and I looked him in the eyes. He was so perfect. Not only in looks but in personality too, I didn't really know everything about him. But so far I liked him for who he was.

He then leaned him breathing just a few inches above my face.

"Mallory I've been waiting a long time to do this you know."

"Have you? "

"Oh yes I remember seeing you walking around for the last few years just being you, Mallory you are so beautiful to me." I felt my eye moisten, it was short but sweet. No one had ever called me beautiful, hot maybe, but it was normally some jerk telling me that so he could get in my pants.

His lips had just barely gazed mines before we heard a loud boom. Filled with screams.

We were already close to the bottom, but just then I saw a different side to Lucas

He hopped out of the cart and sprinted to where he heard the guns go off to which I ran behind him the last thing I needed was to be alone.

He had taken many twist and turns to the back of this tent. It wasn't anyone there. But him and the guy I couldn't even make out any words to talk since they were arguing.

"I'm not going to tell you again Acosta back off of our territory, we sell there your taking my boss's money and next time a blank shot won't be the only thing that goes off." The mysterious man said to Lucas.

Then he got closer to Lucas and whispered some things in his ear and before I knew it they were fighting and I mean battle to the death fighting. Lucas was winning at this point beating the man so hard that he was bleeding from the mouth and before I knew it Lucas pulled out a gun and shot him in the back.

He turned around and saw the tears running down my face.

I didn't know what was worse the fact that I saw him beat a man to death or the fact that he shot him afterwards. He walked towards me and I couldn't move, I was completely in shock.

"I'm so sorry  just look at me Mallory, say something please!" he looked at me with pleading eyes filled with regret.

He just picked me up like kid and found the boys and their dates. The girls were a little shaken up as well but the boys just comforted them telling them that nothing happened. After he dropped them off we pulled up to this motel back on the other side of town.

All the boys got out of the car and started talking to each other.


Lucas 🖤

"Listen, I didn't do anything bad I just beat him up a little and shot em in the back so he wouldn't get up." I said through the phone to Donny

"OK, Luc bring her in the room clean the gun and calm her down, you can't bring her home like that then bring her back to the house and I'll deal with it from there." I took a deep breath and told the twins to grab my bag from the car and that I will meet them in the room.

"Donny, What if she won't see me anymore after this?"

"Don't worry Lucas I've met her and I've seen the way you look at her, she's not going anywhere that you aren't." I hung up the phone and grabbed Mallory from the car. I sat her down in my part of the suite and told her to take a shower and that I would take care of everything after that, she just nodded her head and grabbed a towel to go in the bathroom.


** Mallory POV**

And this is how I was sitting in the bathroom alone.Everything was so crazy tonight but I had to get out at some point and time tonight.

I saw that Lucas was sitting on the bed concern all over his face.

"Hey are you ok?" he said wrapping me in a hug.

"Yea I'm fine." And before I knew it I was crying softly in his arms.

He just whispered sweet things in my ear to calm me down.

But I didn't know what to think at all I just didn't know that Lucas was capable of killing somebody so cold blooded. I wasn't even affected by that man dying but here I am crying and be comforted by the killer.

a killer you want still

"Mallory we have to go your parents are going to get worried and gonna have to stop by my house first."


He handed one of the twins the keys and I sat in his arms the whole time

until next time



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