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The giant war was over. The demigods had united and made peace. A month later, Leo and Calypso had returned safely and were as happy as they could be. The demigods decided to go home for the last few weeks of summer break to be with their families after the tragic battle. 


The streets were the same, the trees were the same, the fake grass hadn't changed. My city was the same and I felt myself smile with relief as I took the familiar route to my mum's apartment. 

I wandered up the stairs and readjusted my tattered old rucksack on my shoulder. Then I took a turn and went up to the door. I gulped a big breath of air before knocking upon the splintering wood bark. 

I waited patiently as I heard a familiar voice call out coming and footsteps approaching me. It swung open. I looked at my mom, bags of tiredness and out of breath slightly from presumingly running to the door. Her eyes filled with tears, the emotion poured through her face as she recognised me. I was a little different, tattoo and long hair, new scars but being hidden by Jason's old jean jacket that went over my worn-out orange camp shirt. But the difference wasn't the thing my mom seemed to notice, it was somehow regret and hesitance... what's up with that? 

"Oh, my baby boy!" She cried pulling me into a tensed hug. I held onto her tightly despite the odd feeling that something was wrong and held her like I would suddenly get whisked up into another quest. "Y-you called, why - what happened?" 

I released from the hug. "I'm so sorry, mum. I tried to get back as soon as I could but a lot was going on at the time," I rambled out, stumbling on my words. Her face hardened slightly but it was barely noticeable. Paul came from the corner with a crying infant. My mum went up to them and took the child who I realised was a girl. "Who's this?" 

My mum and stepdad smiled down at her. "Your new sister, Estelle," Paul introduced. I wore a neutral expression but felt a pang of self-disappointment. I didn't know my mum was pregnant, I didn't know she had another kid or that I had a baby sister. I felt like such a bad son. 

"Percy," I looked up at my mum but the smile was wiped off my face. "We need to talk," I thought it had something to do with my disappearance but boy was I wrong. We sat down as I saw Paul take Estelle and put her in their room. "I'm sorry Percy, but I can't let you stay here," My heart stopped for a moment. Did my mum just say that? 

What had I done wrong? "Mum, what do you mean? You're kicking me out?" I was tensed up by now and hoping I had heard her wrong. I half expected her to suddenly laugh at the silly misunderstanding. But she didn't, she wore a face of sadness. 

"Percy, I don't want to do this," She tried to reason. Tears welled up in her eyes as Paul came back. "You were gone for ten months. The gods need you more than me, and-and I can't have you here anymore. Estelle - "

"so, this is it? Out with the old and in with the new, eh?" I said with an angry tone of voice. I stood up and my mum did so as well. "The gods don't need me, they promised me a year without them. No quests, no trouble, nothing." I start to get riled up the more I spoke. "I finally got my chance to get my education and make friends in the neighbourhood and I come back to find out I'm being kicked out? Really happy about that, mum," 

I know I was being unfair but my emotions were getting the best of me. I betted my room was decked out in pink walls and baby stuff by now. I doubt she even kept my things. 

Paul stepped beside my mum. "Percy, it's not like that. You have Annabeth and camp. And we're not kicking you out like that, we're still here for you," My mum nodded beside him and got out an envelope. 

"No way, I don't want your money," I refused. 

My mum started crying. "Please, Perce. You attract too many monsters, Estelle would be killed before she can talk!" she said with the last try. My breath got caught. She thought I was dangerous, she thought I'd get them all killed. My mum seemed to realise how bad it sounded and clamp a hand over her mouth. "Percy, you know what I mean. It's - "

"No, mum. I know exactly what you mean." I said with a calm voice that sounded angry in its emotionless tone. "I'm a ticking time bomb, dangerous, trouble. I get it, have it your way. Don't expect a call," I shouldered my bag and walked to the door. 

I opened it and ran out before I could hear another word. I jumped down the steps and ducked into the busy crowds before turning sharply into an alleyway. I palm-smacked my forehead and leaned my head upwards sighing deeply. I regretted getting so upset with them but what choice did I have? Take the money and leave? It wouldn't've made a difference if I took the money or not, my parents kicked me out. 

I walked through the streets and found myself wandering into a library. I was planning to check this place out for studying but might as well start now. Whether I'm going to school or not, I still need my education. 

Walking in, I saw it was nearly empty. I was lucky, I guess. I went up to the front desk and got my eyes caught on a sign. Now hiring sophomores! I got thinking and saw a man come behind the front desk. 

"Hey kid, what can I do for you?" He said kindly. 

I cleared my throat with a mad idea flowing in the back of my mind. "I was wondering if you had any books on physics and mechanical sciences?" The man led me up some stairs and to a table surrounded by bookshelves. I saw two other kids my age but other than that it was an empty area. I thanked the man and went ahead looking for subjects that I needed to catch up on. 


Days pass and I don't tell my friends. They're going home too, reuniting with their parents and getting their lives together. I can't ruin that or be a burden. I eventually get a job at the same library as an assistant to customers. It was an easy job once I knew my way around the place. 

I was spending my nights on the highest buildings I could get on top of. I didn't mind how many stairs and fire escapes I had to climb until I reached the rooftop, it was better than a smelly alleyway which was most likely lead to me getting mugged or stabbed. 

I wake up from horrid dreams each night and long for Annabeth's voice to comfort me like we did in camp. Unfortunately, she wasn't at camp, she was with her dad. Boy, could I use some of Annabeth's wisdom right now. She'd know what to do, call me a seaweed brain and fix everything in one sentence. 

When I had nothing to do, I'd walk around the city in cluelessness. I envied the kids my age who could go to school, make friends, have homework and repulsive teachers. I know it sounds odd but all I want is to be a kid again, normal again. Those teens didn't have to worry about monsters chasing you through the city screaming bloody murder at you, teens didn't have to worry about where they were staying that night or if they could eat that day or not. Other teens his age had warm beds, clean clothes and good meals each day. I had none of that, not anymore. 

Thankfully I was going to get paid soon and I could finally buy some food and water. If I'm lucky, I can get myself some new jeans and a toothbrush. 

I wonder what would've happened if I never left camp.


Aannnnnddddd done! 

That was only barely tragically horrid of my attempt to start this new story. 

Get's juicy and that sauce very soon. I will have more points of views like Steve's, members of the seven, other avengers. It shall not be this horrendous forever.

Yours in demigodishness, and all that. Peace out!  

Percy Jackson's granddad, Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now