Chapter 20 - Happy Thanksgiving

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(Lapis pov)

"No say clod, C-L-OO-DEH" Peridot said to Pumpkin who looked like she didn't understand, "um Peridot I don't think she understands."

Then the plane that Andy and Steven were on landed near the barn "oh they're back" Peridot said walking over to the plane, I followed behind "um do you think he'll let us keep the barn?" I said to Peridot.

"I'm pretty sure he will, after all the food and all the supplies we got, and all the troubles we went through in that store...he better."

I chuckled "oh yea, you think they'll let us back at the store?" Peridot shook her head "no I don't think so, I think we're banned from there actually" Peridot smiled.

(Earlier at the store)

We were inside Greg's van on our way to a place called store, apparently Garnet said it was a place where we buy stuff like food and other things. "So what are we planning to get?" Peridot said crossing her arms. She didn't seem happy or upset, she seemed worried.

"We need to get things for the dinner, and human traditions. We need to make Andy feel like he's home, like he belongs" Pearl told Peridot.

"But what if he doesn't like it, what if he leaves, what if he takes the barn away? That's our home. We found it so it's ours now!" Peridot said almost shouting. It seemed like that was the thing that was bothering her.

I held on to Peridot's hand, and she seemed to calm down a bit "hey it's fine, I'm sure Steven will work things out" I told Peridot. Peridot just looked at me, and looked back down.

"Alright, we're here" Pearl said parking the van "ok gems, get the supplies that we need for the dinner" Garnet also said. We all got off the van and proceeded to walk inside the store, it was big with lots of stuff and people.

"Wow, this place is packed. I think they are here for the same reason as us" Pearl said looking around "Pearl, you and me are going to get the cake" Garnet said, she faced us "you two are getting the rest."

Pearl handed a notebook to Peridot "here's the stuff you need to get, make sure you get them right too" Pearl gave us a smile. "Will do my diamond" Peridot said jokingly rolling her eyes, she walked off and I followed. We walked through aisles searching for the stuff. We picked a few of them but soon it started to get difficult because we couldn't hold them in our arms. "These are heavy" Peridot said hardly holding on to them "can't we just put these things in something?"

I looked around and noticed how others had something with them, some sort of cart. "Peridot hold on to this" I said putting the things I had in my arms onto Peridot. I walked around searching for a cart but there wasn't any, I went through aisle to aisle but no luck. Then I spotted one by its self, it had things in it but I didn't care. I grabbed it and pushed it back to Peridot, when I got to her she was on the ground with the supplies ontop of her. "Peridot!" I said worried grabbing the things and moving them off of her. Peridot got up touching her head "hey, you found a cart" Peridot said putting the things inside "why is there things inside already?" Peridot said confused.

"I don't know, more things for us I guess" I said pushing the cart. Peridot put things that we needed inside the cart, napkins, forks, spoons, a tombstone, plates, some cups and table covers. We kept walking around looking for Pearl, and Garnet. I looked at Peridot who had a straight face "hey, turn that frown upside down" I said smiling. Peridot looked at me and frowned even more, but I could tell that she was hiding a smile "c'mon what's bothering you peri" I said already knowing the answer.

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