ivy willows

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Ivy willows is a young child missing at the age of 5 becouse she ran away from home the next day her parents found dead near a lake

she had Tourettes and studder a lot she had a grenedict change in her blood that made her mouth miss formed and shaped weirdly shes has brown hair
Blue and black eyes

a riped up blue hoodie but the hood and pocket riped off she has a gernarict disorder in her eyes as well meaning her eye color is unusual shes tall and skinny her legs pointy

she has a eating dissoreder

Name:ivy willows
Likes:swimming,cats,the woods
Dislikes:people who stair,being alone or left behind, her dissorers.
Fav food:... None
Chill spot:a nice very blue lake with trees

 NoneDrink:milkPlace:woodsChill spot:a nice very blue lake with trees

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Her real looks and the mask that she wheres

((With fake cat ears and tail foused on by Toby))

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((With fake cat ears and tail foused on by Toby))

Her neckless was made by her 18 year old brother that passed on when she was 3 and he was 15 that neckless has a pic of her and him in it and is a gold neckless

<3{thats my creepy pasta oc full story very soon watch out!!!!!}<3

Book Of Ocs And ArtsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora