Nate's p.o.v

I yawn and stretch, hearing Noah cry. I look over at Y/n, seeing her sleep still. I smile a little and get up, walking to the nursery. Noah balled his little fists, crying dying down into small whimpers. I know that when his fists are balled, he's hungry. Even though it's only been four days since we brought him home, I've began to notice the variants in his cries and his body language. I scoop him up carefully and grab a bottle off the warmer I had set up. Testing the milk on the inside of my wrist, I decide its warm enough for him to drink. Noah drinks from the bottle greedily. I chuckle softly and sit in the rocking chair to rock him. Noah slowly stops drinking from the bottle, falling asleep. I set the bottle down and bring him up to my shoulder to burp him.

Noah gives a little burp, making me smile. "There, there now, bub. Daddy's gotcha." Noah sighs and returns to his sleeping. I smile and bring him back to his crib. Once I set him in, he squirms from the loss of warmth. I drape one of his blankets over him, making sure the blanket isn't covering his nose or mouth. I smile and head back to Y/n and I's room. I get back under the covers and Y/n shifts and whispers to me. "hey, love.. did he already calm?" I nod. "He was hungry but I had a bottle ready." Y/n nods then frowns slightly. "I'm gonna need to pump then, but thank you, love."

I kiss her quickly before I hear her sigh in contentment. I smile and we sit there for a while. Noah doesn't cry for an hour, right when we had gotten dressed. Y/n chuckles and walks off to get him. She was doing great after Noah's birth, sure we've had a few points where we did have to give each other space. I place everything we need in Noah's diaper bag, including four more outfits than usual, four pacifiers, seventeen diapers, wipes, bottles, and plenty of toys. It weighed almost 5lbs.

My own bag didn't weigh too much. It only carried my skates, a few extra skating outfits, two water bottles, phone charger, and new recent installments of an pillow bed for Noah, plus three more pacifiers. I didn't argue with Y/n on those, Noah likes to spit out pacifiers and we always brought more than we needed. My phone dings and I quickly pick it up. Its Dan asking if we're going to the rink. I send back a yes before going to check on Y/n. I had a big surprise saved for today. Y/n was simply challenging our son with putting on his diaper. Noah would wiggle around whenever she tried to put it on him.

I chuckle. "Y/n as much as I love you, may I have diaper duty, I think he wants dad to handle diapers." Y/n smiles. "I would gladly hand it over. He's thrown two fits anyway." I chuckle and quickly put on his diaper before putting some fluffy pants on him. It was chilly today and I don't want him to get too cold. Noah gurgles at me and I giggle at him. "almost ready to put you in your car seat, Mommy might have to do that for me first" I say in a light tone. His car seat wasn't hard to manage but yes, he did not like to be in it for long periods of time. I pick him up and blow a soft raspberry on his cheek, making his eyes go wide before a small giggle/ gurgle escaped him. I set him in his carseat and buckle him in, he yawns and I stick a pacifier in his mouth.

I pick up the carseat and take it down stairs to see Y/n getting ready. She quickly fixes the carseat so Noah's in the surrounding warmth. Noah's eyes slowly closed as the pacifier soothed him to sleep. I turn to Y/n and kiss her quickly before getting ready to go outside. The drive there was quick and actually pretty quiet. When we got there, Dan was already seen through the window, rocking one of the triplets I presume. I park and unbuckle, grabbing our things while Y/n grabs Noah's car seat. Walking into the locker was exciting, no one had seen Noah yet, nor the triplets. Immediately after walking in, Lilac and Oakley, along with everyone else, surround us, more specifically Y/n. I chuckle a little. "guys, give my girl and my little boy some space! Don't swarm them so close." The crowd steps back and Y/n bites her lip, clearing uncomfortable. I take Noah from his car seat and hold him out to her. Y/n took him from me, relaxing quite a bit when he started to squirm and grunted a little. "that's a diaper change grunt"

The crowd disperses and I chuckle. "Aw no one wants to help change him?" Dan chuckles and shakes his head. "Nope, I think we're good." I chuckle and quickly change Noah. Y/n chuckled and walked over to Dan, cooing at the triplets. Dan chuckled and bounced the baby girl in his arms, a big smile on his face. "Hiiii" He says in an baby voice. I chuckle and bounce Noah lightly. Y/n and Dan chatted after I had given Noah to her, he was sleeping so she laid him on the baby bed we had brought. I quickly changed into my skating practice outfit.

Dan's p.o.v

I smile as Clara snuggles into my arm. The baby was tired and missed her nap. I walk to the back, Phil behind me with the other two car seats. We had an extra room for storage but its become a mini nursery/ area for parents. There were not any cribs but there are some cots and baby pillows. I set Clara down onto one and she yawns. I chuckle softly before setting a pacifier in her mouth. She takes it and soothes herself. Zayne starts to fuss and I check my watch. It's been two hours since his last feed. I pick him up, grabbing a bottle from the inside of the warming pockets in the diaper bag/ backpack.

Zayne's cries began to escalate and I rubbed his back. "Hang on, little bear, Daddy's just seeing if its too hot." I cooed, seeing him calm a little. I tested the milk on the inside of my wrist, feeling it wasn't too hot or too cold. I lean him on his back with his upper half raised slightly, offering the bottle to him. He suckles on the silicone nipple greedily, causing me to giggle. "You're not hungry at all, hmm?"

Zayne cooed and kicked his little feet into my arm. I giggle at him and kiss his forehead. "Happy now, little one?" Zayne cooed again and a flicker of a smile flicks across his lips. I smile and tickle the pads of his feet, I read somewhere that when you touch baby's feet while they're young they learn that texture on their feet is normal.

Leona coos and squirms, I bite my lip 'how the hell am I supposed to move her and feed Zayne?' I think for a moment before setting Zayne in the cot, he had fallen asleep during his feed, I wipe the spit from his mouth before picking up Leona to change her diaper. I quickly rocked her gently, seeing Zayne wake up and reach for the bottle next to him. I look over at Leona to see her not even remotely sleepy, I set her in her carseat and moved to bar that has toys in front of her.

I go back to Zayne and offer him his bottle again. He takes it and finishes the rest of the milk. I smile and move him to my shoulder to burp him. Phil walks in and smiles. "I hope they aren't driving you totally insane?" I shake my head, hearing Zayne burp. "no, not totally, your daughter is definitely wanting your attention." Phil giggles and kisses my forehead. "I can tell. I think we should leave early today, you look exhausted." I nod, setting the now sleeping Zayne in his car seat. Phil set Clara in her car seat, bundling her and Leona up. Y/n walked in with Noah's things. I chuckle slightly. "Needing a nap, Y/n?" she nods and sets Noah in a cot. She lays down on a mat with a blanket and pillow.

Phil and I head home, Zayne sleeping soundly with Leona and Clara. The three were really good sleepers. I turn my head to see Zayne looking out the window, or at least I think he is. I smile, he turns his head and puts his fist in his mouth. I chuckle and turn back around. 

(HEWWO! I am sleepy and I just decided to published this purely because it needed to be published. Sorry if its not the usual quality, I've been quite busy and this was almost finished.) 

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