Chapter 1; Stalker Ex

Comenzar desde el principio

He looked at me with a blank expression before clearing his throat and speaking again.
"You speak as though you've had experience with such."

"What?" I asked.

"Have you had one before? A stalker ex, I mean?" He explained.

"No. Just books and movies, you get the gist after watching as many movies as I have." I laughed

"Okay then. It's a good thing you've been watching those movies. Good guess." he chuckled.

Something didn't sit right with me. Was he lying??

"So, I was right?" I raised a brow.

"Yes." he simply replied

"You have a stalker ex?"

"I have a stalker ex."

"Wow! Well, what's your plan?"

He suddenly gave me a once-over making me extremely self-conscious, something I usually wasn't. He looked deep in thought while clearly checking me out.

I couldn't take it any longer, so I spoke looking him straight in the eye.

"I asked you a question." It came out more as a whine but was effective in snapping his eyes to mine.

I was determined to hold his gaze, which by the way was not an easy thing to do. Why? Well..
1. He totally towered above my 5'5ft probably standing a foot taller.
2. He had the most intense set of grey eyes I'd ever stared at. And finally,
3. From this close, let's face it. He was intimidating and had this air of authority around him. He was an alpha male.

His eyes told mine to tear their gaze away but I stood my ground.

Still looking me straight in the eye, he took a step forward and I tried to take a step back but I forgot I was already too close to the wall. Ugh! To hell with small hospital restrooms.

"You did ask, I was looking at my answer." he told me.

"What answer?" I snapped. He was invading my personal space.

"You're my answer." he looked totally unaffected whereas my inner teen couldn't stop gushing at how romantic that sounded.

"I don't understand. " I replied, failing to stutter. Thank the gods.

"Let me explain. I'm going to need you to lend me your doctor's coat to use as my disguise." He spoke again.

I looked at myself in a sky-blue long sleeved shirt over my favourite pair of black jeans all underneath my doctor's coat.

I now understood.

He was going to disguise himself as a doctor. Well, fudge my life.

Yep. No curse word from my mind or mouth, except of course in dire times.

"Oh..." I murmured.

"Well can I have your coat" he looked at my name tag, "Dr. Wilson?"

Me being me, I had to think about it.

"Fine. But only because if I were in your situation I'd also want help. Though, I have a condition"

"Really?" He looked at me like I was telling a joke and he couldn't get the funny part.

"Yes really. I need your name atleast. You could be a psycho for all I know." Don't ask me why.

"You do realize I could give you a fake right?"
Hmm. I did not realize that, but I'm not going to tell him that.

"Yes, but you don't look like you would."

"You're contradicting your previous statement Wilson, cuz it seems you trust me already and you're not supposed to trust a psycho. So... Why bother with a name?" He quirked an eyebrow.

Think Kendra think..
"Seeing as I'm the one willing to help, you really don't have an option. Unless, you plan on staying in here, then I better get going." I made a move for the door.

His blank expression resurfaced before he smirked
"Fine. Ethan. My name's Ethan"

Lord have mercy.. why couldn't he have an ugly name??

"Ethan what?"

"You said a name."

"A complete name." I bargained.

He hesitated before speaking again.
"Vincent. Ethan Vincent."

For some reason he seemed to be tasting the name on his tongue.

Why do you care? My subconscious asked.

I didn't care.

I was sick and tired of people like Ethan Vincent, who only knew how to tell lies.

"Here you go Mr. Vincent. I wish you well."

Those were the last words I said as I took off my coat, handed it over to him, unlocked the door and walked out.

Now, I did release a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Against my better judgement, I took the elevator to my office on the 3rd floor.

Unconsciously, I kept an eye out for anyone who looked like a stalker ex.

Fuck you Vincent.

Hey guys, please please please vote.

Much love, Joy.

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