Coming Home to Papa

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Standing at the front podium in the nail salon she had been working at for almost three months now, Aiko watched as her boss, Mrs. Lee, pulled the chain wall down over the entrance of the shop, signaling that they were officially closed. Aiko smiled. In a few moments, once her boss was finished counting the registers contents, she would be leaving the mall and finally heading home. Their day had been long and filled with customers all wanting their nails to be as pretty as possible. She had even gotten a few tips from some of the women with their daughters or friends.

Any plans for this weekend, Aiko?

Just a quiet weekend at home. She walked toward the storage room and took out the broom and dustpan, setting about her nightly duties of sweeping the shop floor.

Good girl. Stay home and be to work early Monday morning. Maybe one day Ill leave my shop for you. The pit in her stomach clenched at the idea that this could one day become her place to run.

Thank you, Mrs. Lee. I will continue to do my best to make you proud.

Once the shop was cleaned and Mrs. Lee was done with her own duties, the two women walked out of the shop, locked the door, and then headed out toward the parking lot. Aiko and Mrs. Lee always parked side by side, so that they were able to stay together and safe. See you Monday, Mrs. Lee.

Have a good weekend, dear. The two ladies departed as Aiko slipped inside her small blue Kia Forte, buckling her seat belt before starting the engine and pulling out her cell phone. She quickly shot a message through a group chat to let Minki and Leroy know that she was leaving work. Once she pressed send, she attached her phone to the holder on her vent that Minki had bought her last year, then put the car in reverse and backed out of her parking spot.


The ride home was filled with music and singing, the traffic light due to it being so late in the evening. Everyone was already home with their families or working still. When she pulled into the driveway of the two-story home she shared with two men, Aiko felt her sore muscles from the long day begin to fade away at the knowledge that right behind the front door were loving arms ready to wrap her in a warm embrace.

Looking around the driveway, she knew that Minki was still working, but her beloved Leroy was inside the house. Putting her phone in her purse, she turned off the engine and climbed out into the cool night air. As she locked her car, the front door swung open, light illuminating the doorway that was once darkened by the sun having gone down below the horizon. Her heart jumped in her chest as a tall, six-foot-one man stepped through the doorway, dressed in light blue jeans that hung low on his hips, showing off the V that lead down to her favorite toy. His upper body was bare, showing off hard muscle that he kept completely hairless and covered in ink. His hair was still styled from his day of work, his hazel eyes looked tired, but when they met Aikos, she watched them liven up with excitement.

Theres my girl. Reaching out, he watched in delight as she ran toward him, launching herself into his arms so that he could engulf her in a hug. She smelled of nail polish remover and all of the products they used in her store, but he didnt mind. After being with her for a few months, he had grown used to it. How was your day, baby girl? he asked, ushering her inside while he kept her under his arm and close to his side.

It was very busy, but I had such a good day. She hugged his waist, her head barely resting on his rib cage. At only four-foot-eleven, she was a child surrounded by giants. Leroy stood one inch taller than Minkis full six-foot. It was frustrating at times, but most of the time she loved that they were so tall. To say it was one of her turn-ons was an understatement. How was your day, Papa? Just being in his scent again was causing her to begin to slip into little space, and causing her to feel giddy.

Aiko looked up to find Leroy flashing his award-winning smile that always made her weak in the knees. She smiled back, happy to finally be home where she could be herself and not feel judged. It was long because Papa couldnt wait to get home to you, my sweet little bean. He reached over and tapped the tip of his finger against the tip of her nose, playfully winking down at her. Now, what do you say we get you into a nice bath then changed before Daddy comes home? Bouncing with joy, Aiko followed Leroy through the living room, up the stairs, and into the master bedroom where their own personal bathroom was hidden away from the rest of the house.

In the warmth of her bubble bath, Aiko lifted bubbled in her cupped hands and gently blew them toward the sky, all of her worries about work and the unknown slowly leaving her body. Leroy knelt beside the tub, his skillful fingers rubbing circles in her scalp as he washed her hair for her. Tell Papa about your day, baby girl.

I had one lady come in today and asked for Hello Kitty nails. She tilted her head back as he lifted a cup filled with warm water to rinse her head. I had so much fun painting them and adding the cute jewels. She gave me a ten dollar tip.

Good job, baby girl. Her heart swole with pride at his praise, like it always did. Leroy was such a clingy, soft-hearted Daddy. He liked to cuddle with her and praise her for her pictures. He rarely ever disciplined her, but she rarely ever acted up when it was just him.

I also got to do a birthday party. A mom took her little girl and her friends out for mani-pedis and that was really fun. When her hair was rinsed clean, Leroy stood up and picked up a big bath towel.

Time to get out, sweetie. We dont want you turning into a cute little prune. Giggling, she stood up, bubbles sliding down her body. He smirked. How did I get so lucky to have such a beautiful baby? Aiko giggled, her long chocolate hair fell in wet clumps down her back, water dripping down over her bare bottom as she stepped out of the bath and allowed him to dry her body. He always took such good care of her, making sure she was completely dry before he wrapped her in her pink fuzzy robe to carry into the bedroom all three of them shared.

Can I wear my Eeyore nightgown Papa?

Of course, baby. Leroy laid her down gently on the bed beside her pink flower nappie. She smiled, watching as her Papa pushed the robe aside, revealing her naked body, picking up the diaper beside her before looking down at her. Aiko blushed, feeling slightly aroused by the heated stare Leroy was giving her. She knew he was aroused, yet he wouldnt do anything right now. Neither of them was really intimate without all of three of them there, so Leroy would ignore the erection stirring to life behind his jeans and finish getting his little girl dressed.

Bringing her feet up onto the bed, Aiko lifted her bottom up, allowing the diaper to be slipped under her bottom before settling back down and opening her legs wide for him to powder and fasten the diaper into place. Then he walked over to their dresser and pulled out some long fuzzy gray and white socks followed by her Eeyore nightgown. He helped her put her socks on before standing her up and slipping her clothes over her head. Aiko giggled, wiggling her hips as the skirt of her gown fell down past her hips and settled around her knees.

Lets find your brush and Papa will brush your hair for you, baby. Taking her hand, the two left the bedroom in search of the brush that always seemed to elude them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2019 ⏰

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