chapter 18: show yourself

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"should we go after them, sir?" asked a soldier to Siddiq. "no, we already have the boy. lets head back to Gulfen." said Siddiq and they took Lj with them.


we were still in the forest area on our way to the Spirit Tree. "how far is it now, Sunset?" i asked to her. "it's not too far now." she said and from the edge, we saw the Spirit Tree himself. "it is so beautiful." said Violet. Reyla got very excited that her personality switches to Pinkie Pie. "what are we waiting for? let's go!" shouted Reyla with excitement and ran to the tree's location. "we probably should have seen that coming." said Louis and we started to follow after her. "hey kid, wait up!" shouted Cogsley.


Reyla and her friends had finally arrived to the Spirit Tree, they were greeted by the resistance and even by the Spirit Guardians who were happy that Ori came home, even Naru, Gumo and the owlet Ku were happy has well. those who are involved in the resistance were humans, humanoid animals, robots, ponies and elves who supported King Gallum. they were greeted by a tall purple alicorn. "Twilight!" said Sunset Shimmer and hugged her friend. "you must be Reyla, i'm Princess Twilight Sparkle." said Twilight. "that's me, and it's an honor to meet you Princess Twilight." Reyla replied and bowed down. "just call me Twilight." Twilight giggled. Twilight leads Reyla and the others to her tent where they meet her friends. "i would like you to meet Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Spike the dragon, Discord the draconequus. including ..." Twilight introduced the crew to her friends but was cut  when Reyla, Adrienne and James see that their parents, including Adrienne and Reyla's older sister, Sam are there.

"MOM! DAD! SAM!" shouted Reyla, James and Adrienne with joy and ran to their family and gave them a hug. "how did you guys get here?" asked Clementine to her daughter. "Sein told us about the passage, plus i also used grandpa's journal book." replied Reyla. "nice to see you again." said Vigo. "Vigo Light?" said Clementine and hugged her old friend and so did Luke, Nick, Paige and Sam. "Trellis? Luger? is it really you guys?" said Luke, suprised to see his friend's two sons alive. "i knew Siddiq lied about your death!" said Nick with a smile. "so this is the council of friendship." said James with realisation. "that's right." said Rainbow Dash. "wait, where's Lj?" asked Clementine and Reyla started become sad. "Siddiq and his guards captured him when he made sure we escaped. said Reyla and they were shocked. "is alright darling, that's not your fault." said Rarity. "Rarity is right, sugarcube." said Applejack while petting Reyla's back. "but we need a plan to save him and take down Siddiq as well." pointed Spike out. "well, i could teleport us to Gulfen you know." said Discord. Twilight layed her wing on Reyla's shoulder and she looked at Twilight. "come with me, there is something i need to show you." told Twilight and lead Reyla to the Spirit Tree, Trellis and Ori noticed and followed as well.

"that day you got your personality switches, the gun shot didn't caused it. i used my magic to save your life, but it gave you the six personalities from us." said Twilight to Reyla. then Reyla realised that the timberwolf was her, after the hunters killed her lynx friend. out of anger, Reyla transformed herself to a timberwolf, a wolf made of wood. she attacked the hunters but got shot on the shoulder, she bleeded out and Twilight used her magic in order to save her life. "so i killed them." said Reyla with guilt. "no. they were injured and got arrested for what they did. it's been 3 years since then and it's time to remove it from you." explained Twilight. "but how?" asked Reyla. "all you need to do is to go inside this cave." said Twilight. Reyla walked in to the cave with Trellis and Ori following her.

"is she going to sing?" asked Sam. "duh! we haven't got any musical number since the start." said Pinkie Pie, Nick was going to ask Pinkie what she was talking about but decided not to.


me, Trellis and Ori were walking in the cave that Twilight described. the cave was beautiful, it felt magical.

we went further in the cave and we found a tree that is made of crystal. then six crystal shards with diffrent colours starts to appear, i realised that those were suppose to be the six personalities that Twilight mentioned. i used my magic to place the shards back to the tree where they belong.

then we saw the spirits of my great, great, great- grandmother Hali, King Gallum, Queen Amore, Virgil and... Lee, my grandfather.

i ran to him with tears in my eyes and hugged him without going through him like other spirits. i was so happy to see Lee again. i saw Trellis was hugging both his parents and uncle with tears as well.

"we never truly left you, son." said Queen Amore to her son as Trellis wiped away his tears. we were happy to see our beloved ones again.


Reyla, Trellis and Ori left the cave and met up with the others at the camp. "how do you feel?" asked Fluttershy to Reyla. "i... we have never felt better than before." said Reyla. "i'm glad to hear that, Miss Reyla." said Morrie who came along with Theodore and Bottle. "Morrie, Theodore, Bottle. how did you guys get here?" asked James. "Discord teleported to us and told us that you guys have arrived to Nibel and he teleported us here." explained Morrie. "thanks Discord." said Reyla. "you're welcome." replied Discord.

"are you guys ready to take down Siddiq." shouted Reyla and the rest of the resistance cheered.

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