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The sand is black where he stands, black as the midnight desert. It's hot underneath his feet, blazing as it soaks up the sun's radiating heat.

Yet, where he is, there is no sun, a great, black moon covering it. Only a rim of golden light peaks around the edges. The sky is overshadowed, weak puffs of silver clouds lugging about. They just look like clouds.

In front of him is the shore, gentle waves rocking up upon the dark sands, made smooth by the repeated slosh of the icy waters. It's empty, no plant nor living beast dare go near this place.

Steven feels like he knows, which silences any questions about why, but at the same time, if you were to ask, he would have no reply for you. He knows what he knows not.

Beach City is quiet and dark, no lights on over the town. He can feel the vacated houses as if they're a part of his very soul. They're ruined, dented. The walls have been ripped open, the roofs pummelled down by a mighty fist.

His own house is empty. Jagged cracks shoot down the crystal dome up the stairs. The whole left side of the house is caved in, huge slashes with gaping holes let in cold, smoky air.

Only butterflies wander here, their wings a purple so dark it looks black. There is no markings on them, and their bodies meld right into their big, papery wings.

Steven huffs, though when it comes out of his mouth, it sounds like a sound Lion would make.

He looks back over the waves, and, slowly, takes a step forth.

The Earth seems to shake beneath his feet, rumbling as his strong steps disrupt it.

That is... alarming, but he continues on. Oddly, when the ground shakes with all of his steps towards the water, he feels no fear, but instead a sense of familiarity. It's almost pleasant.

He scares a thousand butterflies off him with every step he takes, which isn't much because in a very quick amount of time, he's right at the shore.

And, slowly, he peers over to look at himself.

He flinches, but doesn't scream. The fear dies like a bug being squashed the moment it begins to exist.

His reflection is a big, worm-like creature in a way - except for the legs, which he's now noticed he has six of. He's a dark purple, skin beating with a thousand tiny wings.

Well, that explains the abundance of butterflies.

He shakes his head with a rumbled roar, a thousand butterflies flying off and shattering into the air, only to be replaced by a million more.

They shimmer over his skin, and for a moment he looks solid. Well, to the naked eye he would look pretty solid - but, if you look close you can see the billions of butterflies composing off his dark, rough skin. For an odd reason, it does not bother him. He barely even feels their little feet on his changed flesh.

His eyes stand out among the flurry, big and black, the only colour being the glowing pink of his new diamond shaped irises, lacking the pupils. Oddly, the eyes seem almost... normal in a way. Like he's had them since the day he was born.

There are five horns on his head - two big ones curving up near the top, two littler ones curving up below, and a small, nearly flat one on the top of his head. They're shimmering in the low eclipse light.

There's a lot more horns all over his body, but he doesn't bother with those.

His jagged jaw resembles one of a corrupted quartz, sticking out slightly in an overbite. He has no lips, his flesh turned to sharpen up his lips into bone teeth coloured the same dark purple as the rest of him.

If he opens his mouth, he can see rows upon rows upon rows of sharp, menacing, killer teeth. They're the same dark colour, and a dark pink tongue lies in the middle, rough and huge.

A huge tail whips back and forth, a spade-shaped, sharp end to it splashing up sand and slashing into the dark substance.

Then, he raises his head, and opens his mouth, almost against his will as he stares up at the shadowy sky again.

He roars, loud and clear. It seems to shake the universe itself, and for a beat, he doesn't know why.

Then he does.

Because he's hit none of his targets.

And he has to go find them.

He jolts awake with a terrified, almost furious, yell. He can't help but realize that it resembles the roar he let out in his dream.

He's laying star-position on his bed, the blankets crumpled and thrown diagonally over his body, damp with his sweat.

Beach City is eerily quiet, the world outside dark with night. It must be still late.

Nobody's wandering about in his house. The floorboards are silent, and the only sound is one of the sink dripping leftover water into the drain below.

He lets out a breath. That's what it was. A dream. There's nothing wrong. He's back in his house. In his bed. Just a dream. Just a dream. Nothing else.

He hopes.

Word Count: 882

Author's Note:
Aahhhhh!! Finally did it!! After a while of thinking, I've done it! Sorry for the short first chapter. The other's will be longer! Hopefully. Anyways, I'd like to thank a few people!
XxDiamond_GodxX for being one of the biggest inspirations for this fic with your fic What Goes Unseen! It's a really good fic! Y'all should read it.
unnatural_Rainbow for being there! And being my bud :3
LaLaLandAemika for also being my bud, and inspiring me with all your wonderful AUs!
Critique is 100% welcome!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2019 ⏰

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