Chapter 6

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*art by me :)

Bobble wakes up at around 6:49am because she went to bed really early. "Nnngh... so early..." she yawns. She looks at her SquidPhone and sees what day it is. A smile is slapped onto her face when she realizes it's Saturday. "Yes! I thought it was Friday haha..." Bobble continues to get ready for the day, putting on her signature blue bobble hat, some black jeans, and a blue sweater. Before she leaves her apartment, she puts on some blank punks. She looks into a mirror on her closet door. "Ooh! I really like this darker style more! I should wear something like this more often, but since everyone thinks I'm happy all the time, maybe not the best idea... they'll think I'm sad or something haha!" Bobble thought to herself. She grabbed her wallet, locked her apartment door, and headed to the train for Inkopolis Square. Once she got there, she headed to the cafe near the alley. She noticed that there was no line by the counter, probably because it was only 7:00 in the morning. Bobble went up to order a Milk Tea Boba and a chocolate croissant. Waiting for her order by the pick up station, she saw someone familiar enter the cafe. "What're they doing here..." Bobble thought as she saw Mask's team go to take a seat in a booth. She wasn't really surprised by the fact that Mask was there in the cafe, but the fact that Mask was a morning person.

After receiving her order, she sat down at the booth next to Team Cyan. She didn't really pay attention to their conversation until her name came up. "Hey Mask, we heard that you were arguing with Bobble Hat during our match yesterday," Designer Headphones said. Bobble listened intently. "Yeaahh, it was nothiiinngg," Mask replied. "We heard she called you weak, huhuhu," Full Moon mentions. That's when Bobble had it. She rose from her seat and proceeded to stand in front of all the Team Cyan members. "Ok, first of all I didn't call him weak, I called Mask a good person," she said. Bobble turned towards Mask, "and there is a SIGNIFICANT difference between the two." As she said that, Mask blushed with a bit of embarrassment, some anger, and that one feeling you get when you like someone. This crowd of emotions lasted for five seconds, until he remembered what he did to himself last night. Mask resorted back to the emotion he felt most: Sadness. Bobble continued on her little rant, "Second of all, it wasn't nothing Mask! You need to learn that being good isn't weak, and I need to learn why you hate me so much!" Mask resorted to his usual insult, "It's because of your dumb, happy personality you usually have all the tiiimee." "Oh please Mask, start coming up with better insults, they're starting to get repetitive!" Bobble exclaimed. Everyone at the table let out an "ooooooof", except Mask of course, who sat there staring at Bobble. "Bobble just fucking roasted me..." Mask thought to himself, "Well shit, now I like at least one thing about her." He paused his thinking, until he realized something, "Wait, I'm not supposed to like anything about her! What am I thinking, this isn't how-" his thoughts were interrupted by Jersey nudging him and saying, "Hey dude, you good?" Mask looked around and noticed Bobble had left. "Mask?" Jersey waved her hand in front of him, "Helllooo? Inkopolis to Mask!" He stopped spacing out and thinking about Bobble. "Uh, yeah I'm fine, thaaankkss," Mask finally replied. All of his teammates sighed in relief in unison. "So, uh, are we done here I guess?" Des questioned. Mask, being the leader of the team, said, "Yeah, we can goooo." The members of Team Cyan said bye to each other and went their separate ways.

Hello readers! I don't really have much to day except OH MY GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100+ READERS!! I love you all thank you so much for taking your time to read this! Remember to stay tuned <33

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