Chapter 5

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*art is not by me (i'm sorry i would credit the artist but the signature isn't there and i found it on google umu )

At her apartment, Bobble Hat organizes her room because it has been a mess for a few days now. After fixing it up, she goes to get some water and sits down to watch TV. "I can't stop thinking about it!" Bobble speaks to herself, "I'm so mad at myself! I just lashed out on Mask and made him feel horrible about himself! And I hate making people feel bad..." She continues to scroll through the channels. "Nothing's interesting on TV, I'm just gonna go to sleep early today." Bobble walks to her room and checks the time (9:37). She turns off the light and falls asleep on her bed.

At Masks apartment, he places down his gas mask on the bedside table, not needing it anymore because he is alone and inside. He sits on his bed watching his favorite SquidTuber*, Pewdinkpie*, one of the only SquidTubers that can make him actually laugh. As the video ends, he checks the time (10:46). He places down his phone on his bed and stares at the white walls. "Am I really weak?" he thinks to himself, "What am I thinking, of course I am. Every time I try to get my dumb ass to X Rank, I always fail and end up staying at a stupid S+. Oh my cod, Mask, everyone hates you, even Bobble, who literally likes every person she meets." Suddenly, Mask speaks out loud, "Stop saying this to yourself Mask, she said you are a good persooonn, I thiiinnk...." The negative voices inside his head begin to become louder as they repeat every flaw he thinks he has. "Weak!" "Rude." "Unhappy." "DISGUSTING!" Mask gets up from his bed quickly and walks to the bathroom. He jerks open a drawer and rummaged through it until he finally found his pocket knife. Whenever people come over, he makes sure to hide it in a spot where no one could find it. **TRIGGER WARNING: SELF HARM + BLOOD** He rolls up his left sleeve and stares down at his previous scars. "Why are you doing this to yourseeellf..." He speaks as he holds his knife right above his arm. "It's what you deserve." He presses the knife down on his skin. "This is a punishment for everything you've done." Mask rapidly slides it across his wrist and lifts up the knife. Staring at the cyan blood dripping down from his arm, he feels that strange sense of relief. He slits his wrist four more times. The blood dripping down makes him believe that all the anger, all the "bad" blood, is floating away in a river of cyan. Content with what he has done to himself, Mask cleans his knife and stuffs it far in the same drawer. He grabs a paper towel from his kitchen and wiped a few drops of blood from the bathroom floor, knowing that the blood would stain his towel. After walking out of the bathroom, he looks up to his clock to check the time (11:04). "Better get ready for bed.." he reminds himself. He puts on a white shirt and some pants and places himself under five blankets, but doesn't fall asleep until 1:48am.

*sorry for all the squid puns lmao*

Hello, it is me, the author. If you are feeling depressed or suicidal, just remember that there are many people that care that you are here and care about your feelings. If you feel in need of help, there is no shame in contacting the suicidal prevention hotline ( 1-800-273-8255 ). I have been there, and it isn't fun at all, but keep in mind that you will get out of there, I promise <33. Thank you for reading :)

Taking It Slow (BobbleMask)Where stories live. Discover now