Chapter 15 | Friends

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              9:30 AM

Taking a sip of coffee, Bryan flipped through the papers on his clipboard. "So.." A raspy voice hummed in front of him. "How's it going?" He asked. Bryan looked up at SpringTrap, and then closed his eyes looking back to the papers in front of him. "Good, I guess. I convinced Lefty to help us out with the portal, without spilling the beans." He continued to write on them with his pen. "Wow, it's normally hard to convince him to do those things." SpringTrap said, leaning in his seat to watch Bryan write. Bryan smirked. "It was pretty easy, actually. I just had to ask him a question and pressure him about it."

SpringTrap tilted his head. "Oh, so he'd be rushed and not have any time to think?" Bryan pointed his pen at SpringTrap and smiled. "Exactly."

The SpringTrap sat up in his chair. "What if he messes up?" Bryan shook his head and put down his pen, reading over his work. After a moment of silence, he made eye contact with SpringTrap. "He won't." The bunny bit his lip, and then looked to the floor. "Don't be so nervous." Bryan said, soon giving him a warm and reassuring smile. "It'll all be fine. If anything goes wrong, I'll fix it."

SpringTrap smiled back at him, showing the man he trusted him. It was still strange to have SpringTrap being friendly and shy to him. He'd almost miss it if he made it home. Though, he also wouldn't miss it. All of his emotions were all over the place, anyways. It was better not to overthink things. Bryan smiled down at his work on the papers, and slid the clipboard out of his way. Finally noticing SpringTraps disappearance, he got up and started to walk to the portal room.

"Yello!" Bryan smiled at the two animatronics, waking into the room. Lefty slightly looked at him unsure, closely studding him, while Molten stared at him blankly used to his positive attitude. "I think it's pronounced, hello." Molten corrected him, gritting his teeth. Bryan narrowed his eyes at Molten, and soon stoped to smile at Lefty. "So, hows it going?"

Lefty shrugged, and leaned against the wall, looking bored with everything going around. Still unusual behavior to Bryan, making him slightly uncomfortable. "It's going, alright. It's strange how Molten doesn't know how to work the portal." He said, looking over to the irritated animatronic. "Well.." Bryan started. "He does.. He just isn't feeling his best."

Lefty raised an eyebrow, and looked to the floor. "Nothing makes sense anymore." He said to himself rolling his eyes. Bryan's attitude and personality was just so bubbly now. Not dark and cold like usual. He never usually showed any care, or comport, so Lefty was only left with confusion. Molten changed completely. Did AI have something to do with it?

Bryan cleared his throat, interrupting Lefty with his thoughts. "Anything come out of the portal?" He asked. Lefty tilted his head. Molten shook his head, sighing out of irritation. "No, Bryan, no one- nothing has come out of the portal.."

Bryan nodded and then looked down the the floor. Lefty was curious upon the twos actions and words. Also suspicious..

"So, Molten." He started. The animatronic bear turned to him, with a bored expression on his face. He didn't even try to put up a happy face. "You've been feeling down in the dumps?" Molten looked at him blankly, and just nodded. Lefty raised an eyebrow, and looked to the floor. Normally Molten would laugh and say something stupid, since he wasn't the brightest bulb in the bunch, and didn't quite understand metaphors and such. This caused more suspicion.

Bryan then started to hum. "Alright then. Do you guys need any help, or anything?" He asked politely. He cursed at himself for not putting up an act, and hoped Lefty hadn't noticed. Thankfully, he was too focused on Molten's unusual personality to realize. "No, I don't think so." Lefty replied. Molten just shook his head again. Bryan nodded, and walked out of the room.

"So," Lefty said, wanting to start up a conversation. "You've been awfully quiet."

Molten looked to him with raised eyebrows. "So have you." He finally said, turning back to the floor. Lefty lowered his eyebrows, staring at Molten, but when Molten glances at him he quickly turned away. If Molten was more hostile, then he shouldn't take chances. "Right, we should get to work." Lefty said. He stoped leaning up against the wall and walked towards the back room, Molten following behind him with a usual blank face. Lefty sat on the boxes, swinging his legs back and forth, watching Molten take out a swivel chair and start to type on the computer.

Lefty tried to read, but gave up when he got close enough to see it was in morse code.

Molten rolled his eyes when he heard Lefty let out a heavy sigh. He was as annoying as the Lefty back in his dimension. "Okay," Molten started, spinning around in the chair to face him. "I can see you're bored. So, are you going to help in some way or just sit back there doing nothing?" Lefty narrowed his eyes at Molten, and then shook his head. "No, just observing. It's something I do."

"Then it's something you're good at, I suppose?" Molten raised an eyebrow, and smirked slightly. Did Bryan really think that he cared if he got caught? "Yeah." Lefty replied, still eyeing him. Molten smirked and turned back to face the computer. A couple moments of silence and Lefty smiled while saying, "I won't tell anyone."

【 What a pleasant surprise 】Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang