1962 - Ralbert

513 19 26

Race rolled over and glanced at the clock on his bedside table, 10:48. He'd decided to take a quick nap before he went out but had never actually gone to sleep. Too many things on his mind. He leapt out of bed and pulled on a yellow and blue striped shirt and a pair of cuffed blue jeans. 

He ran to the bathroom as quietly as he could and splashed some water on his face and took a comb to his hair for the first time in weeks. He stopped his flurried movement for a second to smile at himself in the mirror. 

His parents were still sleeping, hell for all they knew he'd gone to his room to study then fallen asleep like the 'responsible' son he was. Race hopped on one leg as he yanked his black chuck taylors on. 

His father was rather fond of calling Race 'mature' and 'accomplished' if his father ever saw him around his friends Race doubted he would even recognize his son. 

He opened the window, popped out the screen and climbed through leaving it open enough so he'd be able to get back in. Definitely not something a 'responsible' son would do. Not two minutes later he was walking down the street a spring in his step. 

Race hadn't realized how suffocating his father's expectations were until they were gone. The cold wind nipped at his exposed arms but Race wasn't even paying attention. His focus was on a certain boy and his car. He spotted said boy leaning against said car smoking a cigarette.

The dim street lights made the dark green mustang glitter like a diamond, the car was stunning, no doubt about it but the boy leaning against it was dazzling. His red hair was slicked back and his tight white t shirt didn't leave much to the imagination, the leather jacket over it was the one Albert had been wearing the day Race met him. As Race approached the boy realized his presence and dropped his cigarette on the ground, quickly stomping it out. Sure Race's heart was beating faster than advised health wise but he kept walking toward the boy until he was face to face with him. Albert stood a little more than an inch taller than Race which never ceased to annoy the shorter of the two.

Gently Race reached up and put to fingers on Albert's chin, turning his head in the slightest, exposing now yellowing bruises from a brawl on Duke Street and a hickey that was a deeper purple and lower on Albert's neck.

"Do they hurt?" Race asked quizzically.

"Which one?" Albert replied.

"The hickey."

"No, you curious?" Albert asked with a hint of a smile on his face.

"Just a little."

"We've got a movie to catch."

"Do we?"

"Or we could just go on a drive,"

Race nodded at that suggestion with a glint of something Albert hadn't seen in his eyes before.

Albert wasn't a reckless driver, not when Race was in the car. Sure he was a hood but he sure as hell knew how to treat his date. Race was rhythmically flicking through radio stations, they were mostly static.Then clear as day a song Albert hadn't heard before played. Race was satisfied and glanced out the window. 

They were leaving the city, as the roads gradually got emptier Race watched Albert relax a little. Their relationship wasn't real, Race knew that but part of him ached to be the only one Albert held. Race knew Albert thought of him as a game he could play while still going after pretty girls. As long as Race had Albert to himself for even just a minute a week he was ok with anything. They were in the country now. 

Their slow almost undetectable upwards climb had left them looking over the city. Race had never been here before but Albert seemed to know it well. Albert pulled the car over on a thickly wooded stretch of road. Albert got out of the car and started off on a footpath before Race could ask any questions. Race trusted Albert with his life so he followed him, into the darkness. 

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