Tommy Boy x Finch - Skipping Stones - Part Two

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"Was it really worth it?" Albert asked a now warm and mostly dry Race. 

"Ise got my cigar back and Ise wearin' your clothes so yes, yes it was," 

Albert play glared at him before kissing the boy who's curly hair was still slightly damp. 

"Dem boys-(Dem bones dem bones gonna walk around dem bones dem bones gonna walk around) Finch and Tommy think theyse'll figure out their situation?" Race asked.

"Situation?" Albert looked intrigued. 

"Albert what are you blind theyse in love ya oaf," 

"Oh that I betcha ten cents theyse sleepin' in the same bed," 

"Fine," The boys shook on it and both of them crept silently into the sleeping room.

 They approached Finch's bunk first. Race gently shook Finch awake.

"Aye Finch," Finch sat up, his hair was a mess and he wasn't wearing a shirt but that wasn't uncommon for the newsies. Race turned to Albert. 

"See I told y-," Race was silenced by Albert clamping his hand over Race's mouth. Race screamed, well, he screamed as well as anyone could with a hand muffling him. 

A very blurry-eyed Tommy Boy was in Finch's bed with slight purple bruises on his neck and collar bone that were recognizable even in the moonlight slipping through the window. Albert didn't want an explanation instead he practically dragged Race backwards out of the room. Once he was sure Race wouldn't scream again Albert let go of him and collapsed back down in their original position with a sigh, 

"Hey Race," 


"You owe me ten cents,"

 "Shut ap," 


Dem bones dem bones dem dry bones
Dem bones dem bones dem dry bones
Dem bones dem bones dem dry bones
Now shake dem skeleton bones

The toe bone's connected to the foot bone

The foot bone's connected to the ankle boneThe ankle bone's connected to the leg boneNow shake dem skeleton bones

The leg bone's connected to the knee bone
The knee bone's connected to the thigh bone
The thigh bone's connected to the hip bone
Now shake dem skeleton bones

Dem bones dem bones dem dry bones
Dem bones dem bones dem dry bones
Dem bones dem bones dem dry bones
Now shake dem skeleton bones

The finger bone's connected to the hand bone
The hand bone's connected to the arm bone
The arm bone's connected to the shoulder bone
Now shake dem skeleton bones

Dem bones dem bones gonna walk around
Dem bones dem bones gonna walk around
Dem bones dem bones gonna walk around
Now shake dem skeleton bones

I typed that from memory I haven't slept in two days its very late I give up good night friendos.

Yours fucking truly,


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