Finch - Nothing Could Ever Ruin It

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VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE: Most of this plot line belongs to exurb1a in his Youtube video 'And Nothing Can Ever Ruin This' he is an incredible Youtuber and you should definitely go watch the video 'Unlimited Rice Pudding'  by him because that's quality content if I've ever seen it. But I would like to say I am only responsible for changing some tenses and adding/removing a few sentences and inserting the characters from Disney's Newsies, Tommy Boy, Albert, and Finch into the plot line. Sorry that's just a legal thing I have to state apparently. 

This is sort of a RedFinch oneshot but it also includes FinchxTommy so idk


They met at a party. 

They were both young, and had a tendency to get around. 

Everyone other person Finch had been with hadn't feel especially important so he'd been sticking with friendships. 

He and Tommy made excuse after excuse to hang out afterwards. 

Tommy has a tiny birthmark on his shoulder that Finch noticed but never mentioned. 

Finch started to catch himself thinking about Tommy a little. Then a lot. Then to such an extent it hurt to think about anything else. He couldn't sleep or eat. 

Every song his listened to was tied to the brunette, so much so that in twenty years he would hear the same song again and just for a second he would be reminded of exactly how he felt back then. 

Then one drunken night they hooked up. 

After that Finch was really fucked, Tommy had gotten under his skin, he never knew it was possible to care for another human this much... and nothing could ever ruin it. 

Finch wasn't even twenty yet and he'd just met the love of his life, how lucky was that? He got to know Tommy's parents well and Tommy met his. 

Finch had big plans and nothing could ever ruin them. 

Tommy showed him new music he probably wouldn't have even given a shit about before but now enjoyed thoroughly. 

Finch ranted to Tommy about his goals and Tommy pretended to care, rather convincingly.

They moved in together because, why not? 

They stayed up late drinking and laughing. 

Finch caught himself watching Tommy sleeping in the dewey morning light and suddenly he understood all the bullshit love poetry that was forced upon him in school. 

He didn't believe in fate, soulmates or crap like that but he got why people did. 

One day Tommy glanced at someone else and smiled and Finch felt a sting in his chest. 

He didn't say anything about it.... maybe he should have. 

Though he hoped Tommy felt the same way about him, that would have been nice. 

They both got jobs, got stressed and tired, and watched tv together. 

They talked about getting a dog or a different apartment. And nothing could ever ruin it. 

One October day, Tommy briefly mentioned some guy at work who'd been writing him funny notes. Finch promptly decided to murder the guy, then quickly remembered that was illegal. 

Finch started going for runs in the evenings and noticed a boy who was always out at the same time as him. He was kind of cute, but whatever. 

Slowly but surely Finch and Tommy started spending less time together in the evenings, mostly in separate rooms doing separate things. 

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