A Punch Bowl of Disaster

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"Miss Millstone. Violence is no way to solve verbal conflict. Do calm yourself so we can solve this problem like adults."

"I. . . I didn't-"

"Forgive my bluntness, but you do not raise your hand unless you intend to land a hit. I understand my conduct towards you at the moment is not polite, nor respectful towards your standing as the daughter of an Earl. But as an adult, I see it as my duty to make children such as yourself conduct yourselves as your status entails."

"E-excuse me?"

"I shall put it into simpler terms for you. If you wish for the respect your station gives you, earn it. Miss Carole," I turned to Jane. "And Miss Jane. Neither of you are acting in a way that earns you the respect of your station."

Jane's face flushed and she looked down at her shoes in shame. Carole still looked angry but made no move to say anything against me. I nodded in satisfaction.

"Young Miss."

Ophelia was snapped out of what seemed to be a daze. "Y-yes?"

"I apologize. I seem to have ruined your night. I must remove myself from the festivities for punishment."


"Yes. The punishment for a servant speaking out of turn is a lash on the palm for each word. I believe that makes 130 words for me. Unless I include this. Do excuse me."

"Ava. . ."

"Ah, that reminds me. Miss Millstone, do be more careful with the refreshments. I don't believe red would be an attractive color on me."

I heard Carole click her tongue and the splash of liquid. Don't ask why I knew that she was preparing to dump punch on me. She's not very subtle or smart, so it wasn't difficult to notice what she was trying to do during the chaos.

I did not leave the party with a heavy heart.


"Can I ask what you're doing, Goose?"

"My name is Alexander! And I'm hiding behind you."

". . . Why?"

"I'm being stalked!"

"By who?"

"A gloomy-looking guy! He's so creepy!"

At the moment, I had gone to the school gardens and found a thin branch to slap my hand with. My left hand of course, as it wasn't my dominant one. I had gotten up to fifty before the Goose had found me and hidden in my shadow. In human form no less. He truly was magic.

There weren't many gloomy-looking people in this school. The only one I could think of was . . .

"Oh, pardon me. I didn't know someone else was here."

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. The Crown Prince I despised in all his gloomy glory. Stalking a goose instead of attending a ball. What number was I on now? Oh, it was sixty-nine. Hehe. Nice.

"It's quite alright, Your Majesty. Might I be permitted to ask why you're out here instead of at the Introductory Ball?"

"Ah. The thing is. . . Why aren't you at the Ball?"

I raised my eyebrow at him. "I was. I had escorted Miss Dubannes as you weren't there to do so as her fiancè."

"She asked me not to go."

My lashes against my palm paused. Eighty-eight. "My Lady requested you not come?"

Floyd nodded, seeming to ignore the whipping sounds coming from my makeshift switch. Which was appreciated? I could've lost count.

"She came to me during dance class and explicitly said if I showed up to the ball she'd turn me into an egg head."

I heard a choked laugh come from my shadow and covered it up with the loud crack of lash one hundred. Thirty more to go. "How strange. You still didn't fully answer my question."

". . . Must I?"

"If you don't want me to tell My Lady that you were spreading lies to me."

". . . I was. . ."

"Say again?"

"I was following a boy. One with pink hair."

So it really was him stalking Alexander. My hand was left stinging after the final lash of 130. The stick was thrown away without hesitation. I knew that Floyd was strange, but not strange enough to follow someone around.

"Why? I've never seen a boy with pink hair here."

"That's exactly the reason I was following him. I'd never seen someone like him before."

"I hope you find him"

"Thank you. Have a pleasant evening."


Floyd was soon out of sight and earshot, making Alexander jump out of my shadow with excitement.

"He lied to you. We actually talked." Alex stretched a bit, bones cracking. Were shadows cramped or something?

"Good for you. I'll be excusing myself now. Many things to prepare for tomorrow."

"Wait! Don't you wanna know what happened?"

". . . Not really. Good night."


"I wonder if goose would make good breakfast meat."

I find my encounters with Alexander quite enjoyable, despite his unnecessary loud voice. He's interesting.

. . . I wonder how mad Ophelia is at me.


"Miss Millstone, would you join me for tea this week?"


"I've been thinking about what Ava said. I have not been earning any of the respect I receive and I'd like to right this wrong so we can be friends."


"Really. You can even choose the date."

"Then would Wednesday be alright?"

Ophelia smiled, her eyes closed and happy. Yet her expression seemed cold and heartless.

"Wednesday would be perfect."

[ *sneaks out of Thanksgiving hole* Happy belated Thanksgiving readers! Enjoy this chapter with your favorite dishes! Mine's mashed potatoes and yams! And pretty much almost everything else. Leave your favorites in the comments! Love you, bye~ ]

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