chapter 4

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(the twins are now 15)

(Rin pov)

Today was the day, Mephisto was going to tell my dad and Yukio everything.

(Flashback 2 days ago)

Mephisto told me to come to his office as we had to have a chat. I don't know what about but oh well. I quickly ran to my room from the monastery I didn't teleport as I could only do so for short distances. And I have to of been there before. I got to my bedroom and changed into some black ripped jeans and a blue fading into pink oversized jumper that had a cross on it and I put on some multicoloured boots. I wrapped my tail around my waist before hand or else Mephisto would scold me for having it out. I walked out the door and sat in front of Mephisto in the chair across his desk on which he resided on the other side of in his big ass chair. I put my back to the side of the chair and put my legs dangling over the other side.

"So what do you wanna talk about Mephy?" I asked in a curious but happy voice. Mephisto told me that my voice always sounds happy so I didn't have to try to make it sound happy. "Well you see I'm bored in my game of life and some pieces need to be moved on my board" my fave turned a little pale 'what is he going to do...?' whenever Mephisto said something like that it was often something bad. "What are you going to do?" My voice was stale and serious. "Oh you know me so well little brother" he said in a sarcastic and shallow voice his grin grew wider and his fangs where showing. "I'm going to  tell Mr Fujimoto and Mr Okumura everything" my eyes widened at his statement 'I never wanted to tell them what if they leave me what if they try to kill me what if!!!' hundreds of questions were running through my head but they stopped when Mephisto spoke again "We had to tell them at some point Rin" there was the smallest bit of sympathy in his voice almost none at all only demons would be able to hear it. "Fine" I mumbled under my breath I wanted to cry. I got up from my seat and went to my room and started to cry. After what seemed hours which was only thirty minutes I went home and put on my best acting well not before I had candy. Mephisto said he'd tell them in two days when they were both here.

(Flashback end)

I was sitting in my room at Mephistos' as I had came early so I was ready for everything to go down and so I could hear what they said. I was leaning against the door just waiting. I was wearing: (this is what he was wearing but there is no black strap on his shoulder)

Mephisto said they looked like they were for a girl but I liked these types I did also like the more boy-ish cloths as well

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Mephisto said they looked like they were for a girl but I liked these types I did also like the more boy-ish cloths as well. I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard talking.

(Mephisto pov)

"Hello Mr Fujimoto, Mr Okumura take seat" I gestured for them to do so. "What do you want to talk about Sir Pheles?" Shiro questioned. "Rin Okumura" I said with a smirk on my face. "Why?" Yukio asked in a stern voice "Well you see, Rin's demon abilities unlocked at the age of ten" I said with my voice sounding achieved and my smirk turned into a small grin. "That's not possible!" Shiro shouted "He had no abilities or resemblance to a demon!" Yukio spewed his words at me "That's because he hid it" "how?!" They both said "I helped him learn everything" I said as I leaned into my hand "you what!" It was more of a statement than a question "But he didn't want me to tell you because of his fears of you leaving him or trying to kill him. Plus, he was scared what you'd think of his sexuality as gay" Thier eyes widened and Yukio shouted "We would never!" "But his flames are still sealed away it was his demon king ability that came out" I said as my grin had already grown wider as I new Rin was listening.

I explained everything to them meaning they new that it was only his demon king abilities that he had and of his sexuality and fears and everything that we had taught him. We Also told them that he will be attending the school.

"Well you better be off especially you Okumura since you have a new class to teach" I said Yukio and Shiro got up and about to walk away but suddenly a gust of wind appeared and puff of blue smoke and their was an enlarged candy cane the size of a chair and sat a top was Rin with his light blue bubblegum hair and deep pink eyes. "H-Hey" he spoke with a nervous voice and smile he jumped down and his candy cane disappeared into red and white ashes. "Rin?" Yukio said with a soft confused voice both Yukio and Shiro looking him up and down. "Yeah" Rin said as he tilted his head to the side. "Rin here's your uniform" I said as I made a uniform appear in front of him, his face turned to disgust "big brother!" He moaned at me "I don't like it can't you have it in different colours" he said as he came up the desk "No now wear them" "no" he said with a straight face looking into my eyes. "I'll take you secret stash of candy" I said, "yes sir!" He saluted then he took the cloths and rushed out the room and got changed into them. He came out with some candy charms in his hair and a netted choker. "Ready!" He said looking panicked I sighed with shallowness "works every time" I said under my breath. "Now go to your class your brother will show you the way and I know you heard the whole conversation so you have no need for you fears" I said with my normal grin on my face and sarcastic voice. "You scare me sometimes Mephy" as he turned to face Yukio and shiro as he smiled at them. "Well then let's get going" Shiro said as he walked and Rin walked up beside him.

(Rin pov)

I walked beside my dad and Yukio went beside me I was a little bit in front of them as I walked. "I'm sorry you had those fears Rin" my dad said as he quickly turned me around and hugged me. I leaned into the warm embrace and hugged back my face went into his chest as I was already small but as being a demon king made me smaller even though all my brother's are really tall. I let go and so did he. I turn to Yukio with hoping eyes he puts on a smile and opens his arms to me I instantly have a wide smile and hugged him tight. I liked being myself and being able to be around the people I loved was even better. I let go of him and look up at I was about shoulder hight to Yukio. "So where's that class?" I said in happy voice as I tilted my head a little of to the side "This way" He said as he gestured me to follow him. I did and dad walked beside me.

Time skip

(Yukio pov)

I entered the class with Rin and he went an sat in the second row of the desks near the door. I went to the teacher's desk and faced the class. "Hello I'll be your teacher for Anti-demon pharmacology, I may look the same age as all of you but I assure you I am a teacher" the teacher said and the rest of the class nodded "Now how many people did not sustain a mashou?" Yukio asked as he raised his hand "ok three of you"

(We all know what happens after this so)


1367 words sorry it's shorter than the last three

Candy Demon, The 9th King COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora