"So is anyone going to tell me why we are at the hospital?" I asked the two guys at the front.

Stiles continued to drive as he explained what they found from Danny's trace. I was not okay with the thought of my aunt being behind all of this, but it didn't feel right. As soon as they parked outside the hospital, Stiles' phone went off. Stiles tried to keep the topic of Scott's mother out of his conversation as he tried to reassure his friend.

"I know, look..." stiles said through the phone, "If you see my dad, tell him I'll be there. I'm just going to be a little late, okay? Alright, thanks."

"You're not going to make it..." I announced.

Stiles sighed and agreed, "I know..."

"You didn't tell him about his mom," Derek stated.

"It doesn't add up," I commented which Stiles agreed as he continued for me, "That's why I didn't tell him. I need to know for sure."

"So what now?" I asked looking over to both boys.

"We're going to go look for answers," Stiles announced as he began to get out of his car.

"Oh," Derek stopped us, "One more thing."

He took a hold of Stiles' head and slammed it against his steering wheel.

I growled at Derek, "What the fuck!"

"What was that for?" Stiles hissed out as he held his nose.

"You two know what that was for," Derek hissed at us, "Go. GO!"

Stiles rushed out of the car before Derek had a chance to get another grab at him. As I began to climb out from the back seat, I tried to make it seem like I was just going to rush out, but that was not the case. Just as I was about to get out, I took a hold of Derek's head and slammed it on the dashboard.

"Ever lay a hand on him again," I hissed as Derek held his bleeding nose, "I'll make it much worse than a bloody nose."

Derek glared at me as I slipped out of the car after Stiles. He was still holding on to his face, but I stopped him to look over his nose. It seemed fine, but it was clear he was in pain. Smiling, I took hold of his face and took a bit of his pain. The veins on my arm slowly turned visibly black as I felt the pain he was feeling. After a little longer, I giving him a sweet kiss on his nose as my veins returned to normal.

"What did you just do?" he asked.

I smiled over to him and answered, "I took some of your pain away."

That got him to smile at me.

Taking my hand, he began to walk with me through the hospital entrance.

From the moment we stepped into the hospital, I knew something was off. Not because of the whole aunt Mel being the one behind the text, but because the care unit was eerily empty. Not a single soul was present. I would have thought that after a half-hour of searching and snooping, we would have found a single staff by now, but that's not the case. It got to the point where Stiles had to call Derek about not finding anyone.

"Find Jessica," I heard Derek tell us through the phone.

I caught a name beside a door, causing me to walk away from Stiles. It read Peter Hale. Recalling what Scott told us about after the whole Derek ad the wolfsbane bullet, this must have been his uncle. I stepped closer as Stiles began to ask me what I was doing, but I ignored him and continued to walk toward it. As soon as I opened the door, it hit me. The familiar smell that had invaded my room, not too long ago.

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