Chapter 52

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𝓝𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻 24
𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓮 𝓹.𝓸.𝓿

I wiped my eyes and blinked his ass was still right there

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I wiped my eyes and blinked his ass was still right there

"What the fuck demon" I said stepping closer to em

"Damnnnn you ain't happy?" He said laughing

I shook my head "I- I thought you died" I said walking closer too him

He smacked his lips

"Demons don't die" he said

I smiled and ran and hugged him in relief I stayed holding him and rest my head on his chest smelling his scent

I felt a bandage a quickly pulled away

"Damn did I hurt you?" I said

He shook his head

" I took hella medicine I can't feel shit" I said

He must of got illegal ass shit in his system because I still feel my damn pain

"You ain't seen mal blowing up yo phone?" He said

I shook my head I powered off my phone not wanting to be bothered with no one for the rest on the day

"How you out the hospital already" I asked

He walked and sat on the bed

He shrugged "I just left ion like hospitals" he said

I laughed

"I really was crying for nothing" I said sitting under him

"Crybaby ass i ain't gonna die from a bullet a wack ass nigga sent too me" he said shaking his head

" I'll rather die slowly and suffer from knee cancer" he said

"Nigga your so fucking dumb I swear" I said laughing

After I got done laughing it went quiet as fuck

He turned his head and twisted his jaw

"But why was you at the nigga house anyways" he asked

I took a deep breath and rehearsed the words that I planned to say

" I went over there too kill him but I couldn't do it" I said shaking my head

"Why the fuck was you tryna kill em for" he asked

I looked over at him he was looking at me extra hard

I sighed "he the one who shot me" I said

He stayed quite
I stood up about to walk out because I know I'm finna hear this nigga mouth

"After I asked you if he did the shit you still protected this nigga?" he said yelling

I turned around

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