chapter 24

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𝑜𝒸𝓉𝑜𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝟥𝟣

 𝓂𝒶𝓇𝒾𝑒𝑒 𝓅.𝑜.𝓋

''jada stop acting a foo'' i said pushing her in a cart

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''jada stop acting a foo'' i said pushing her in a cart

she kept knocking shit over everytime she was able to touch some shit 

''ima pop you hand jada'' i said raising my eyebrow at her

she shook her head no 

i grabbed some fruit and yogurt for the house

''this lil quan'' someone said startling me

i turned around and seen dice 

yes dice 

''whaaa the fuck'' i said shaking 

he had his hair tied in a bun and he looked exactly the damn same 

''dice?'' i said blinking making sure i was seeing correctly 

he smirked then walked away

i felt my heart pounding 

i looked at jada and rushed to pick her up and ran outta the damn store leaving my damn cart and all

i quickly opened the door rushing and putting her in the car seat

she started whinning but i ignored it jumping to the front seat hurrying the hell up and sped out the parking lot

i looked and grabbed my phone calling mal 

he answered on the 2nd ring 

''meet me at the house mal hurry up'' i said talking fast you could tell i was crying in my voice 

dice wasnt dead so i know all hell was about to break the hell loose


'' are you sure that was him'' mal said 

we was in my room i just had put jada to sleep

''yes i know im not going fucking crazy mal'' i said while my foot was shaking 

it always did that shit when i was scared 

''you want me to stay her for awhile or something'' he said 

i nodded

''stop tapping yo foot the hell you scared for dawg'' he said 

'' what if he come for me mal''  i said 

he shook his head

'' dont trip about that you good'' he said rubbing my back 

i layed my head on his lap while i  stared in space 

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