-ˋˏ My Savior ˎˊ-

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Updated: 09/01/2022

Song Listened to Whilst Writing Away (feel free to listen) -  Collide (Justine Skye )

W A R N I N G: contains description of a gory scene further down in the chapter, if squeamish please skip over it

Other than that, please enjoy this revised version of the one-shot! 

  It was 9:00 at night as you were walking through the forest, heels in hand, fuming with anger mumbling swears and curses under your breathe your now ex-boyfriend had decided to stand you up on your anniversary for two girls he sworn to God were "just friends."

Flashback to 45 mins ago

   He told you to meet him at the bar which is an odd place for starters, but you figured it would be nice and fun. As you approached you pulled a small pocket mirror from your clutch making sure your makeup was perfect. Pushing a strand of hair behind your ear you smiled snapping the compact mirror shut continuing your happy little bounce of a walk down the sidewalk. You approached the building pulling your dress down a bit as it began to bunch with each step you took, you took a quick breath in and out as you approached the bars double doors. But as you were about to walk through the door a familiar laugh caught your attention causing you to glance to the outside patio


You smiled widely feeling your heart beating fast, you walked over slowly

But suddenly stop as your eyes grow wide, tears slowly fill your sockets as you watch the scene unfold Infront of your own very eyes....

   You saw one of the girls in his lap making out with him and making cocky flirty gestures, the other on her phone clearly bored but still buying drinks for him and her friend. He pulls away from her looking her in the eyes giving him the same look he once gave you; you cupped a hand over your mouth letting out a shaky  sob which had caused him to glance over to notice you FINALLY after 20 mins. He looks at you almost mortified, quickly shoving the girl off his lap adjusting his shirt back to normal, fixing the collar as he walks towards you "h..hey Y/N," he clears his throat "Look babe...I..." he glances down "I.."

"Oh, fucking save it..." You laugh lightly at his pathetic attempt of an apology; you cross your arms over your chest huffing out sadly ".... Derek we're done" 

"W..What?" he stares into your eyes that are starring down at the pavement, you wiped a quick tear sliding down your cheek before turning on your heel walking away "don't fucking message me or call me again..." you continue to walk back in the direction you came, just wanting your broken-hearted mind to carry you back home. 

Back to present time

   You had lived in the mansion for quite a while now with the other pasta's when the discovered you at your lowest point in life they had taken you in as one of their own. Slender had obviously knew about your boyfriend despite your current situation he wanted he children to have somewhat of a "normal life" so he allowed it, as long as you never told him of anyone, brought him to the home, or introduced anyone to him even if undercover. But Slender began to have high suspicion of him but you promised he was overall a nice guy, but obviously that changed tonight as it ended horridly 

Might as well be dressed for your funeral at this damn point with how heavily dressed you were 

  As you approached the big mansion you pulled out your key sniffling a bit, you stopped on the top steps leaning your forehead against the door sighing deeply 

Ticci Toby x Reader Oneshots/Headcanons (Being Edited 2022)Where stories live. Discover now